Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

You can monitor Glacier2 using the Administrative Facility and the Metrics Facet. Glacier2 provides a metrics class to monitor session related metrics. The Glacier2 session metrics class is defined in Glacier2/ and is shown below.
namespace IceMX {
class SessionMetrics extends Metrics {
    int forwardedClient = 0;
    int forwardedServer = 0;
    int routingTableSize = 0;
    int queuedClient = 0;
    int queuedServer = 0;
    int overriddenClient = 0;
    int overriddenServer = 0;

Glacier2 records session metrics in the Session metrics map, the metrics objects contained in this map are instances of the IceMX::SessionMetrics class show above. To configure a metrics view to record Glacier2 session metrics you can use metrics properties with the IceMX.Metrics.view-name.Map.Session prefix, for example:

  • IceMX.Metrics.SessionView.Map.Session.GroupBy=id to configure a view containing one metrics object per session.
  • IceMX.Metrics.SessionView.Map.Session.GroupBy=none to configure a view containing a single metrics object with metrics for all the sessions.

You can use the following attributes when configuring the Glacier2 Session metrics map:

idA unique identifier to identify the session. This corresponds to the user Id for sessions created with a username/password
and to the subject DN for sessions created from SSL.
parentThe Glacier2 router instance name.
noneThe empty string.
endpointThe stringified endpoint.
endpointTypeThe endpoint numerical type as defined in Ice/
endpointIsDatagramA boolean indicating if the endpoint is a datagram endpoint.
endpointIsSectureA boolean indicating if the endpoint is secure.
endpointTimeoutThe endpoint timeout.
endpointCompressA boolean indicating if the endpoint requires compression.
endpointHostThe endpoint host.
endpointPortThe endpoint port.
connectionThe connection description.
incomingA boolean indicating if the connection is a server or client connection.


If the connection is a server connection, adapterName will return the name of the
adapter which created the connection, it will contain the empty string otherwise.

connectionIdThe ID of the connection if one is set, the empty string otherwise.
localAddressThe connection's local address.
localPortThe connection's local port.
remoteAddressThe connection's remote address.
remotePortThe connection's remote port.
mcastAddressThe connection's multicast address.
mcastPortThe connection's multicast port.
stateThe state of the connection.

The connection and endpoint attributes are for the connection tied to the Glacier2 session.

See Also


  • No labels