Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



local class EndpointInfo

Base class providing access to the endpoint details.

Derived Classes and Interfaces
Used By

Operation Index

type — Returns the type of the endpoint.
datagram — Returns true if this endpoint is a datagram endpoint.
secure — Returns true if this endpoint is a secure endpoint.

Data Member Index

timeout — The timeout for the endpoint in milliseconds.
compress — Specifies whether or not compression should be used if available when using this endpoint.


short type()

Returns the type of the endpoint.

bool datagram()

Returns true if this endpoint is a datagram endpoint.

bool secure()

Returns true if this endpoint is a secure endpoint.

Data Members

int timeout;

The timeout for the endpoint in milliseconds. 0 means non-blocking, -1 means no timeout.

bool compress;

Specifies whether or not compression should be used if available when using this endpoint.

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