Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



local interface Service

An application service managed by a IceBox::ServiceManager.

Operation Index

start — Start the service.
stop — Stop the service.


void start(string name, Ice::Communicator communicator, Ice::StringSeq args)

Start the service. The given communicator is created by the IceBox::ServiceManager for use by the service. This communicator may also be used by other services, depending on the service configuration.

The IceBox::ServiceManager owns this communicator, and is responsible for destroying it.


name — The service's name, as determined by the configuration.
communicator — A communicator for use by the service.
args — The service arguments that were not converted into properties.


IceBox::FailureException — Raised if start failed.

void stop()

Stop the service.

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