Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



[ "cpp:comparable" ] struct AdapterDescriptor

An Ice object adapter descriptor.

Used By

Data Member Index

name — The object adapter name.
description — The description of this object adapter.
id — The object adapter id.
replicaGroupId — The replica id of this adapter.
priority — The adapter priority.
registerProcess — Flag to specify if the object adapter will register a process object.
serverLifetime — If true the lifetime of this object adapter is the same of the server lifetime.
objects — The well-known object descriptors associated with this object adapter.
allocatables — The allocatable object descriptors associated with this object adapter.

Data Members

string name;

The object adapter name.

string description;

The description of this object adapter.

string id;

The object adapter id.

string replicaGroupId;

The replica id of this adapter.

string priority;

The adapter priority. This is eventually used when the adapter is member of a replica group to sort the adapter endpoints by priority.

bool registerProcess;

Flag to specify if the object adapter will register a process object.

bool serverLifetime;

If true the lifetime of this object adapter is the same of the server lifetime. This information is used by the IceGrid node to figure out the server state: the server is active only if all its "server lifetime" adapters are active.

IceGrid::ObjectDescriptorSeq objects;

The well-known object descriptors associated with this object adapter.

IceGrid::ObjectDescriptorSeq allocatables;

The allocatable object descriptors associated with this object adapter.

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