Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



interface ApplicationObserver

The database observer interface. Observers should implement this interface to receive information about the state of the IceGrid registry database.

Operation Index

applicationInitapplicationInit is called after the registration of an observer to indicate the state of the registry.
applicationAdded — The applicationAdded operation is called to notify an observer that an application was added.
applicationRemoved — The applicationRemoved operation is called to notify an observer that an application was removed.
applicationUpdated — The applicationUpdated operation is called to notify an observer that an application was updated.


void applicationInit(int serial, IceGrid::ApplicationInfoSeq applications)

applicationInit is called after the registration of an observer to indicate the state of the registry.


serial — The current serial number of the registry database. This serial number allows observers to make sure that their internal state is synchronized with the registry.
applications — The applications currently registered with the registry.

void applicationAdded(int serial, IceGrid::ApplicationInfo desc)

The applicationAdded operation is called to notify an observer that an application was added.


serial — The new serial number of the registry database.
desc — The descriptor of the new application.

void applicationRemoved(int serial, string name)

The applicationRemoved operation is called to notify an observer that an application was removed.


serial — The new serial number of the registry database.
name — The name of the application that was removed.

void applicationUpdated(int serial, IceGrid::ApplicationUpdateInfo desc)

The applicationUpdated operation is called to notify an observer that an application was updated.


serial — The new serial number of the registry database.
desc — The descriptor of the update.

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