Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



class InvocationMetrics extends IceMX::Metrics

Provide measurements for proxy invocations. Proxy invocations can either be sent over the wire or be collocated. The metrics for invocations sent over the wire are specifically measured with IceMX::RemoteMetrics.

Data Member Index

retry — The number of retries for the invocation(s).
userException — The number of invocations that failed with a user exception.
remotes — The remote invocation metrics map.

Data Members

int retry;

The number of retries for the invocation(s).

int userException;

The number of invocations that failed with a user exception.

IceMX::MetricsMap remotes;

The remote invocation metrics map.

See Also

  • No labels