Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



module IceStorm

A messaging service with support for federation. In contrast to most other messaging or event services, IceStorm supports typed events, meaning that broadcasting a message over a federation is as easy as invoking a method on an interface.

Interface Index

Topic — Publishers publish information on a particular topic.
TopicManager — A topic manager manages topics, and subscribers to topics.

Exception Index

AlreadySubscribed — This exception indicates that an attempt was made to subscribe a proxy for which a subscription already exists.
BadQoS — This exception indicates that a subscription failed due to an invalid QoS.
LinkExists — This exception indicates that an attempt was made to create a link that already exists.
NoSuchLink — This exception indicates that an attempt was made to remove a link that does not exist.
NoSuchTopic — This exception indicates that an attempt was made to retrieve a topic that does not exist.
TopicExists — This exception indicates that an attempt was made to create a topic that already exists.

Structure Index

LinkInfo — Information on the topic links.

Sequence Index

LinkInfoSeq — A sequence of LinkInfo objects.

Dictionary Index

QoS — This dictionary represents quality of service parameters.
TopicDict — Mapping of topic name to topic proxy.


sequence<LinkInfo> LinkInfoSeq

A sequence of LinkInfo objects.

Used By


dictionary<string, string> QoS

This dictionary represents quality of service parameters.

Used By
See Also

dictionary<string, Topic*> TopicDict

Mapping of topic name to topic proxy.

Used By

  • No labels