Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

A node element defines an IceGrid node. The servers that the node is responsible for managing are described in child elements.

This element may only appear as a child of an application element. Multiple node elements having the same name may appear in an application. Their contents are merged and the last definition of load-factor has precedence.

The following attributes are supported:





A floating point value defining the factor that is multiplied with the node's load average. The load average is used by the adaptive load balancing policy to figure out which node is the least loaded. The default is 1.0 on Unix platforms and 1/NCPUS on Windows (where NCPUS is the number of CPUs in the node's computer). Note that, if Unix and Windows machines are part of a replica group, the Unix and Windows figures are not directly comparable, but the registry still makes an attempt to pick the least-loaded node.



The name must be unique among all nodes in the registry. Within the node, child elements can refer to its name using the reserved variable ${node}. An icegridnode process representing this node must be started on the desired computer and its configuration property IceGrid.Node.Name must match this attribute.


Here is an example to demonstrate the use of this element:

<node name="Node1" load-factor="2.0">
    <description>A description of this node.</description>
    <server id="Server1" ...>
        <property name="NodeName" value="${node}"/>
See Also
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