Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

The icegridadmin utility is a command-line tool for administering an IceGrid domain. Deploying an application with this utility requires an XML file that defines the descriptors.

On this page:


The IceGrid administration tool supports the following command-line options:

Usage: icegridadmin [options]
-h, --help           Show this message.
-v, --version        Display the Ice version.
-e COMMANDS          Execute COMMANDS.
-d, --debug          Print debug messages.
-s, --server         Start icegridadmin as a server (to parse XML files).
-u, --username       Login with the given username.
-p, --password       Login with the given password.
-S, --ssl            Authenticate through SSL.
-r, --replica NAME   Connect to the replica NAME.

The -e option causes the tool to execute the given commands and then exit without entering an interactive mode. The -s option starts icegridadmin in a server mode that supports the IceGrid::FileParser interface; a proxy for the object is printed to standard output. If neither -e nor -s is specified, the tool enters an interactive mode in which you issue commands at a prompt.

To communicate with the IceGrid registry, icegridadmin establishes an administrative session. The tool uses SSL authentication if you specify the -S option or define its equivalent property IceGridAdmin.AuthenticateUsingSSL. Otherwise, icegridadmin uses password authentication and prompts you for the username and password if you do not specify them via command-line options or properties. If you want icegridadmin to establish its session using a Glacier2 router, define Ice.Default.Router appropriately. See IceGrid Administrative Client Properties for more information on the tool's configuration properties.

Once the session is successfully established, icegridadmin displays its command prompt. The help command displays the following usage information:

  • help
    Print this message.
  • exit, quit
    Exit this program.
  • CATEGORY help
    Print the help section of the given CATEGORY
  • COMMAND help
    Print the help of the given COMMAND.

The tool's commands are organized by category. The supported command categories are shown below:

  • application
  • node
  • registry
  • server
  • service
  • adapter
  • object
  • server template
  • service template

You can obtain more information about each category using the help command:

>>> application help

Application Commands

  • application add [-n | --no-patch] DESC [TARGET ... ] [NAME=VALUE ... ]
    Add applications described in the XML descriptor file DESC. If specified the optional targets are deployed. Variables are defined using the NAME=VALUE syntax. The application is automatically patched unless the -n or --no-patch option is used to disable it.
  • application remove NAME
    Remove the application named NAME.
  • application describe NAME
    Describe the application named NAME.
  • application diff [-s | --servers] DESC [TARGET ...] [NAME=VALUE ...]
    Print the differences between the application in the XML descriptor file DESC and the current deployment. If -s or --servers is specified, print the the list of servers affected by the differences. Variables are defined using the NAME=VALUE syntax.
  • application update [-n | --no-restart] DESC [TARGET ...] [NAME=VALUE ...]
    Update the application in the XML descriptor file DESC. If -n or --no-restart is specified, the update will fail if it would require restarting one or more servers. Variables are defined using the NAME=VALUE syntax. Use the diff --servers command to discover which servers would be affected by an update, including those that would require a restart.
  • application patch [-f | --force] NAME
    Patch the application named NAME. If -f or --force is specified, IceGrid will first shut down any servers that depend on the data to be patched.

Node Commands

  • node list
    List all registered nodes.
  • node describe NAME
    Show information about node NAME.
  • node ping NAME
    Ping node NAME.
  • node load NAME
    Print the load of the node NAME.
  • node sockets [NAME]
    Print the number of processor sockets for node NAME. If NAME is omitted, print the number of processor sockets for each node. (The IceGrid.Node.ProcessorSocketCount property allows you to explicitly set this value for systems where the number of sockets cannot be obtained programmatically.)
  • node show [OPTIONS] NAME [stderr | stdout]
    Print the text from the node's standard error or standard output. The supported options are shown below:
    • -f, --follow
      Wait for new text to be available.
    • -t, --tail N
      Print the last N lines of text.
    • -h, --head N
      Print the first N lines of text

Registry Commands

  • registry list
    List all registered registries.
  • registry describe NAME
    Show information about registry NAME.
  • registry ping NAME
    Ping registry NAME.
  • registry show [OPTIONS] NAME [stderr | stdout]
    Print the text from the registry's standard error or standard output. The supported options are shown below:
    • -f, --follow
      Wait for new text to be available.
    • -t, --tail N
      Print the last N lines of text.
    • -h, --head N
      Print the first N lines of text.

Server Commands

  • server list
    List all registered servers.
  • server remove ID
    Remove server ID.
  • server describe ID
    Describe server ID.
  • server properties ID
    Get the run-time properties of server ID.
  • server property ID NAME
    Get the run-time property NAME of server ID.
  • server state ID
    Get the state of server ID.
  • server pid ID
    Get the process ID of server ID.
  • server start ID
    Start server ID.
  • server stop ID
    Stop server ID.
  • server patch ID
    Patch server ID.
  • server signal ID SIGNAL
    Send SIGNAL (such as SIGTERM or 15) to server ID.
  • server stdout ID MESSAGE
    Write MESSAGE on server ID's standard output.
  • server stderr ID MESSAGE
    Write MESSAGE on server ID's standard error.
  • server show [OPTIONS] ID [stderr | stdout | LOGFILE]
    Print the text from the server's standard error, standard output, or the log file LOGFILE. The supported options are shown below:
    • -f, --follow
      Wait for new text to be available.
    • -t, --tail N
      Print the last N lines of text.
    • -h, --head N
      Print the first N lines of text.
  • server enable ID
    Enable server ID.

Service Commands

  • service start ID NAME
    Starts service NAME in IceBox server ID.
  • service stop ID NAME
    Stops service NAME in IceBox server ID.
  • service describe ID NAME
    Describes service NAME in IceBox server ID.
  • service properties ID NAME
    Get the run-time properties of service NAME from IceBox server ID.
  • service property ID NAME PROPERTY
    Get the run-time property PROPERTY of service NAME from IceBox server ID.
  • service list ID
    List the services in IceBox server ID.

Adapter Commands

  • adapter list
    List all registered adapters.
  • adapter endpoints ID
    Show the endpoints of adapter or replica group ID.
  • adapter remove ID
    Remove adapter or replica group ID.

Object Commands

The object command operates on well-known objects.

  • object add PROXY [TYPE]
    Add a well-known object to the registry, optionally specifying its type.
  • object remove IDENTITY
    Remove a well-known object from the registry.
  • object find TYPE
    Find all well-known objects with the type TYPE.
  • object describe EXPR
    Describe all well-known objects whose stringified identities match the expression EXPR. A trailing wildcard is supported in EXPR, for example "object describe Ice*".
  • object list EXPR
    List all well-known objects whose stringified identities match the expression EXPR. A trailing wildcard is supported in EXPR, for example "object list Ice*".

Server Template

  • server template instantiate APPLICATION NODE TEMPLATE  [NAME=VALUE ...]
    Instantiate the requested server template defined in the given application on a node. Variables are defined using the NAME=VALUE syntax.

Service Template


icegridadmin requires that the locator proxy be defined in the configuration property Ice.Default.Locator. If a configuration file already exists that defines this property, you can start icegridadmin using the configuration file as shown below:

$ icegridadmin --Ice.Config=<file>

Otherwise, you can define the property on the command line:

$ icegridadmin --Ice.Default.Locator=<proxy>

Refer to the discussion of our ripper client for more information on configuring the Ice.Default.Locator property for an IceGrid client.


See Also

  • No labels