Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

Deprecated Feature

Like operations on classes, classes inheriting from interfaces or providing remote operations like interfaces are deprecated as of Ice 3.7. Skip this page unless you need to communicate with old applications that rely on this feature.

A Slice class can also be used as a servant in a server, that is, an instance of a class can be used to provide the behavior for an interface, for example:

module M
    interface Time
        idempotent TimeOfDay getTime();
        idempotent void setTime(TimeOfDay time);

    class Clock implements Time
        TimeOfDay time;

The implements keyword indicates that the class Clock provides an implementation of the Time interface. The class can provide data members and operations of its own; in the preceding example, the Clock class stores the current time that is accessed via the Time interface. A class can implement several interfaces, for example:

interface Time
    idempotent TimeOfDay getTime();
    idempotent void setTime(TimeOfDay time);

interface Radio
    idempotent void setFrequency(long hertz);
    idempotent void setVolume(long dB);

class RadioClock implements Time, Radio
    TimeOfDay time;
    long hertz;

The class RadioClock implements both Time and Radio interfaces.

A class, in addition to implementing an interface, can also extend another class:

interface Time
    idempotent TimeOfDay getTime();
    idempotent void setTime(TimeOfDay time);

class Clock implements Time
    TimeOfDay time;

interface AlarmClock extends Time
    idempotent TimeOfDay getAlarmTime();
    idempotent void setAlarmTime(TimeOfDay alarmTime);

interface Radio
    idempotent void setFrequency(long hertz);
    idempotent void setVolume(long dB);

class RadioAlarmClock extends Clock
                      implements AlarmClock, Radio
    TimeOfDay alarmTime;
    long hertz;

These definitions result in the following inheritance graph:

A Class using implementation and interface inheritance.

For this definition, Radio and AlarmClock are abstract interfaces, and Clock and RadioAlarmClock are concrete classes. As for Java, a class can implement multiple interfaces, but can extend at most one class.

See Also

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