Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

Parsing Command Line Options

When you initialize the Ice run time by calling initialize, you can pass the application's arguments to the initialization call.

In most language mappings, this argument vector is an in-out parameter. In C++, for example, argc is passed as a reference to an int:

std::shared_ptr<Ice::Communicator> initialize(int& argc, const char* argv[], ...other parameters...);
Ice::CommunicatorPtr initialize(int& argc, const char* argv[], ...other parameters...);

initialize parses the argument vector and initializes the new communicator's properties accordingly. It also removes all arguments that set Ice properties from the provided argument vector. For example, assume we invoke a C++ server as:

./server --myoption --Ice.Config=config -x a --Ice.Trace.Network=3 -y opt file

Initially, argc has the value 9, and argv has ten elements: the first nine elements contain the program name and the arguments, and the final element, argv[argc], contains a null pointer (as required by the C++ standard). When Ice::initialize returns, argc has the value 7 and argv contains the following elements:

0             # Terminating null pointer

This means that you should initialize the Ice run time before you parse the command line for your application-specific arguments. That way, the Ice-related options are stripped from the argument vector for you so you do not need to explicitly skip them.

initialize provides the same argument-property parsing and stripping in all language mappings.

If you use the Application helper class, the run member function or method is passed an argument vector with the Ice-related options already stripped. The same is true for the runWithSession member function or method called by the Glacier2::Application helper class.

The Ice.ProgramName Property

For C++, Objective-C, Python, and Ruby, initialize sets the Ice.ProgramName property to the name of the current program (argv[0]). In C#, initialize sets Ice.ProgramName to the value of System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. Your application code can read this property and use it for activities such as logging diagnostic or trace messages.

Even though Ice.ProgramName is initialized for you, you can still override its value from a configuration file or by setting the property on the command line.

For Java, the program name is not supplied as part of the argument vector — if you want to use the Ice.ProgramName property in your application, you must set it before initializing a communicator.

See Also

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