Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

An object adapter is an instance of the local interface ObjectAdapter. You create an object adapter by calling one of several operations on a communicator:

module Ice
    local interface ObjectAdapter
        string getName();
        Communicator getCommunicator();

        // ...

    local interface Communicator
        ObjectAdapter createObjectAdapter(string name);
        ObjectAdapter createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints(string name, string endpoints);
        ObjectAdapter createObjectAdapterWithRouter(string name, Router* rtr);

        // ...

The ObjectAdapter operations behave as follows:

  • The getName operation returns the name of the adapter as passed to one of the communicator operations createObjectAdapter, createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints, or createObjectAdapterWithRouter.
  • The getCommunicator operation returns the communicator that was used to create the adapter.

Note that there are other operations in the ObjectAdapter interface; we will explore these throughout the remainder of this discussion.

An application normally needs to configure an object adapter with endpoints or a router. Calling createObjectAdapter with a non-empty value for name means the new object adapter will check the communicator's configuration for properties, including:

createObjectAdapter raises an exception if neither is defined.

The createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints operation allows you to specify the object adapter's endpoints directly, overriding any setting for name.Endpoints. Similarly, createObjectAdapterWithRouter accepts a router proxy and overrides name.Router.

Passing an empty value for name to createObjectAdapter creates a nameless object adapter that can only be used for collocated invocations or callbacks over bidirectional connections


See Also

  • No labels