Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

An operation on a local interface or a local class is mapped to a Java method with the same name. The mapping of operation parameters to Java is identical to the Client-Side Mapping for these parameters, in particular, out parameters are mapped to Java Holder parameters.

Unlike the Client-Side mapping, there is no mapped method with a trailing Context parameter.

For example:

module M
    local interface L; // forward declared
    local sequence<L> LSeq;
    local interface L
        string op(int n, string s, LocalObject any, out int m, out string t, out LSeq newLSeq);

is mapped to:

package M;
public final class LSeqHolder extends Ice.Holder<L[]> { ... }
public interface L
    String op(int n, String s, java.lang.Object any, Ice.IntHolder m, Ice.StringHolder t, LSeqHolder newLSeq);

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