Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

A node represents an IceGrid node process registered with the IceGrid registry.

On this page:


A node can be either up () or down (). A "down" node is shown only when it is described by an application deployed on this IceGrid registry.


A node provides the following actions, from its contextual menu and from the Tools > Node menu:

  • Retrieve Ice log
    Retrieve the log messages sent to the IceGrid node's logger into an Ice Log Dialog. The Ice Log Dialog attaches a remote logger to the node's logger.

  • Retrieve stdout
    Retrieve the IceGrid node's stdout into a Log File Dialog. This retrieval succeeds only when the node's stdout output has been redirected to a file using the Ice.StdOut property.

  • Retrieve stderr
    Retrieve the IceGrid node's stderr into a Log File Dialog. This retrieval succeeds only when the node's stderr output has been redirected to a file using the Ice.StdErr property

  • Shutdown
    Shutdown the IceGrid node process.

You cannot restart an IceGrid node from IceGrid GUI.


The Node Properties panel shows:

  • Hostname
    The name of the host on which the IceGrid node process is running.

  • Operating System
    The operating system name and version of the host on which the IceGrid node process is running.

  • Machine Type
    The type of CPUs and the number of CPU threads of the host on which the IceGrid node process is running. For example, a computer with a dual-core CPU and 2 "hyper threads" per core will show 4 CPU threads.

  • CPU Usage (Windows) or Load Average (Linux/Unix)
    On Windows, shows the percentage of CPU utilization in the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes. On Linux/Unix, shows the load-average in the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes. These values are retrieved when the Node Properties panel is displayed. Click on the Refresh button to retrieve the latest values.

  • Build Id
    The build Id of this node: this corresponds to the Ice property BuildId.

  • Properties
    A table showing all the Ice properties currently set in this IceGrid node.

  • Load Factor
    Shows the load factor defined by each application using this node.


An IceGrid node can only have the following types of children:

  • No labels