Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

Parameter passing on the server side follows the rules for the client side. Additionally, every operation receives a trailing parameter of type Current. For example, the name operation of the Node interface has no parameters, but the corresponding name method of the servant interface has a single parameter of type Current. We will ignore this parameter for now.

The parameter-passing rules change somewhat when using the asynchronous mapping.

On this page:

Server-Side Mapping for Parameters in Java

The servant mapping for operations is consistent with the proxy mapping. To illustrate the rules for the Java mapping, consider the following interface:

module M
    interface Example
        string op1();
        void op2(out string sout);
        string op3(string sin, out string sout);
        optional(1) string op4();
        void op5(out optional(1) string sout);
        optional(1) string op6(out optional(2) string sout);

The generated skeleton interface looks like this:

public interface Example extends com.zeroc.Ice.Object
    public static class Op3Result
        public Op3Result();
        public Op3Result(String returnValue, String sout);
        public String returnValue;
        public String sout;

    public static class Op6Result
        public Op6Result();
        public Op6Result(java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> returnValue,
                         java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> sout);
        public Op6Result(java.lang.String returnValue, java.lang.String sout);
        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> returnValue;
        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> sout;

    String op1(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    String op2(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    Example.Op3Result op3(String sin, com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> op4(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> op5(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    Example.Op6Result op6(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);

You'll notice that op1 and op2 have same signature because the mapping rules state that an operation returning a single value shall use that type as its return value, regardless of whether the Slice operation declared it as the return type or as an out parameter. (The same is true for op4 and op5.) The proxy and servant methods also share the Result types that are generated when an operation returns more than one value, as shown above for op3 and op6. When at least one of the return value and out parameters is optional, the Result type provides two overload constructors that takes the return value followed by all out parameters: one with the java.util.Optional types, and one without java.util.Optional types; with the latter, a null value for an optional parameter is interpreted as meaning "not set".

The only difference between the client and server sides is the type of the extra trailing parameter.

Thread-Safe Marshaling in Java

The marshaling semantics of the Ice run time present a subtle thread safety issue that arises when an operation returns data by reference. For Java applications, this can affect servant methods that return instances of Slice classes, structures, sequences, or dictionaries.

The potential for corruption occurs whenever a servant returns data by reference, yet continues to hold a reference to that data. For example, consider the following servant implementation:

public class GridI implements Grid
        _grid = // ...

    public int[][] getGrid(Current current)
        return _grid;

    public void setValue(int x, int y, int val, Current current)
        _grid[x][y] = val;

    private int[][] _grid;

Suppose that a client invoked the getGrid operation. While the Ice run time marshals the returned array in preparation to send a reply message, it is possible for another thread to dispatch the setValue operation on the same servant. This race condition can result in several unexpected outcomes, including a failure during marshaling or inconsistent data in the reply to getGrid. Synchronizing the getGrid and setValue operations would not fix the race condition because the Ice run time performs its marshaling outside of this synchronization.

Solution 1: Copying

One solution is to implement accessor operations, such as getGrid, so that they return copies of any data that might change. There are several drawbacks to this approach:

  • Excessive copying can have an adverse affect on performance.
  • The operations must return deep copies in order to avoid similar problems with nested values.
  • The code to create deep copies is tedious and error-prone to write.

Solution 2: Copy on Write

Another solution is to make copies of the affected data only when it is modified. In the revised code shown below, setValue replaces _grid with a copy that contains the new element, leaving the previous contents of _grid unchanged:

public class GridI implements Grid

    public synchronized int[][] getGrid(Current current)
        return _grid;

    public synchronized void setValue(int x, int y, int val, Current current)
        int[][] newGrid = // shallow copy...
        newGrid[x][y] = val;
        _grid = newGrid;


This allows the Ice run time to safely marshal the return value of getGrid because the array is never modified again. For applications where data is read more often than it is written, this solution is more efficient than the previous one because accessor operations do not need to make copies. Furthermore, intelligent use of shallow copying can minimize the overhead in mutating operations.

Solution 3: Marshal Immediately

Finally, a third approach is to modify the servant mapping using metadata in order to force the marshaling to occur immediately within your synchronization. Annotating a Slice operation with the marshaled-result metadata directive changes the signature of the corresponding servant method, but only if that operation returns one or more of the mutable types listed earlier. The metadata directive has the following effects:

  • For an operation op that returns multiple values and at least one of those values has a mutable type, the name of the generated OpResult class becomes OpMarshaledResult instead and the return type of the servant method becomes OpMarshaledResult.
  • For an operation op that returns a single value whose type is mutable, the Slice compiler generates an OpMarshaledResult class and the return type of the servant method becomes OpMarshaledResult.
  • The constructor for OpMarshaledResult takes an extra argument of type Current. The servant must supply the Current in order for the results to be marshaled correctly.

The metadata directive also affects the asynchronous mapping but has no effect on the proxy mapping, nor does it affect the servant mapping of Slice operations that return void or return only immutable values.

You can also annotate an interface with the marshaled-result metadata and it will be applied to all of the interface's operations.

After applying the metadata, we can now implement the Grid servant as follows:

public class GridI implements Grid

    public synchronized Grid.GetGridMarshaledResult getGrid(Current current)
        return new Grid.GetGridMarshaledResult(_grid, curr); // _grid is marshaled immediately

    public synchronized void setValue(int x, int y, int val, Current current)
        _grid[x][y] = val; // this is safe


Here are more examples to demonstrate the mapping:

class C { ... }
struct S { ... }
sequence<string> Seq;
interface Example
    C getC();

    C getC2();
    void getS(out S val);

    void getS2(out S val);
    string getValues(string name, out Seq val);
    string getValues2(string name, out Seq val);
    ["amd", "marshaled-result"]
    string getValuesAMD(string name, out Seq val);

Review the generated code below to see the changes that the presence of the metadata causes in the servant method signatures:

public interface Example extends com.zeroc.Ice.Object
    public static class GetC2MarshaledResult
        public GetC2MarshaledResult(C returnValue, Current current);
    public static class GetS2MarshaledResult
        public GetS2MarshaledResult(S returnValue, Current current);
    public static class GetValuesResult
        public GetValuesResult();
        public GetValuesResult(String returnValue, String[] val);
        public String returnValue;
        public String[] val;
    public static class GetValues2MarshaledResult
        public GetValues2MarshaledResult(String returnValue, String[] val, Current current);
    public static class GetValuesAMDResult
        public GetValuesAMDResult()

        public GetValuesAMDResult(String returnValue, String[] val)
            this.returnValue = returnValue;
            this.val = val;

        public String returnValue;
        public String[] val;
    public static class GetValuesAMDMarshaledResult implements com.zeroc.Ice.MarshaledResult
        public GetValuesAMDMarshaledResult(String returnValue, String[] val, com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);

    C getC(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    GetC2MarshaledResult getC2(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    S getS(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    GetS2MarshaledResult getS2(com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    GetValuesResult getValues(String name, com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    GetValues2MarshaledResult getValues2(String name, com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);
    java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<GetValuesAMDMarshaledResult> getValuesAMDAsync(String name, com.zeroc.Ice.Current current);

See Also

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