Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

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Server-Side Parameters in JavaScript

For each parameter of a Slice operation, the JavaScript mapping generates a corresponding parameter for the method in the servant. In addition, every operation has an additional, trailing parameter of type Ice.Current. For example, the name operation of the Node interface has no parameters, but the name method of the servant has a single parameter of type Ice.Current. We will ignore this parameter for now.

For a Slice operation that returns multiple values, the implementation returns them in an array consisting of a non-void return value, if any, followed by the out parameters in the order of declaration. An operation returning only one value simply returns the value itself.

An operation returns multiple values when it declares multiple out parameters, or when it declares a non-void return type and at least one out parameter.

To illustrate the rules, consider the following interface that passes string parameters in all possible directions:

module M
    interface Example
        string op1(string sin);
        void op2(string sin, out string sout);
        string op3(string sin, out string sout);

The servant methods would look as follows:

class ExampleI extends M.Example
    op1(sin, current){ ... }
    op2(sin, current){ ... }
    op3(sin, current){ ... }

The signatures of the JavaScript methods are identical because they all accept a single in parameter, but their implementations differ in the way they return values. For example, we could implement the operations as follows:

class ExampleI extends M.Example
    op1(sin, current)
        console.log(sin); // In params are initialized
        return "Done";    // Return value
    op2(sin, current)
        console.log(sin);      // In params are initialized
        return "Hello World!"; // Out parameter
    op3(sin, current)
        console.log(sin); // In params are initialized
        return ["Done", "Hello World!"];

Notice that op1 and op2 return their string values directly, whereas op3 returns an array consisting of the return value followed by the out parameter.

This code is in no way different from what you would normally write if you were to pass strings to and from a function; the fact that remote procedure calls are involved does not impact on your code in any way. The same is true for parameters of other types, such as proxies, classes, or dictionaries: the parameter passing conventions follow normal JavaScript rules and do not require special-purpose API calls.

See Also

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