Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

Although IceSSL's native plug-in API is only available to programs written in C++, .NET and Java, you can still obtain some useful information in other languages.

On this page:

Obtaining SSL Connection Information

You can obtain information about any SSL connection using the getInfo operation on a Connection object. IceSSL defines the following types in Slice:

module Ice
    local class ConnectionInfo
        ConnectionInfo underlying;
        bool incoming;
        string adapterName;
        string connectionId;

module IceSSL
    local class ConnectionInfo extends Ice::ConnectionInfo
        string cipher;
        Ice::StringSeq certs;
        bool verified;

For an SSL connection, getInfo returns an instance of the subclass IceSSL::ConnectionInfo.

The certs member contains the peer's certificate chain, represented here as a sequence of strings containing the PEM-encoded certificates. The array is structured so that the first element is the peer's certificate, followed by its signing certificates in the order they appear in the chain, with the root CA certificate as the last element. The array is empty if the peer did not present a certificate chain.

The cipher member is a description of the ciphersuite that SSL negotiated for this connection. The verified member indicates whether IceSSL was able to successfully verify the peer's certificate.

The inherited underlying data member contains the connection information of the underlying transport (if SSL is based on TCP, this member will contain an instance of Ice::TCPEndpointInfo which you can use to retrieve the remote and local addresses). The incoming member indicates whether the connection is inbound (a server connection) or outbound (a client connection). The connectionId data member matches the connection identifier set on the proxy. Finally, if incoming is true, the adapterName member supplies the name of the object adapter that hosts the endpoint.

Converting Certificates

The code samples below demonstrate how to convert the encoded certificates into certificate objects:

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
info = proxy.ice_getConnection().getInfo()
if proxy.ice_isSecure(): # Only for a secure proxy
    certs = []
    for s in info.certs:
        certs.append(x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(s, "utf8"), default_backend()))

Python doesn't currently have any built-in modules for manipulating certificates, but the cryptography package offers one solution.

require 'openssl'
info = proxy.ice_getConnection().getInfo()
if proxy.ice_isSecure() # Only for a secure proxy
    certs = []
    for s in info.certs
$info = $proxy->ice_getConnection()->getInfo();
if($proxy->ice_isSecure()) // Only for a secure proxy
    $certs = array();
    for($x = 0; $x < count($info->certs); $x++)
        array_push($certs, openssl_x509_parse($info->certs[x]));

See Also

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