Slice Metadata Directives

On this page:

General Metadata Directives


This directive applies to interfaces, classes, and individual operations. It enables code generation for asynchronous method dispatch. (See the relevant language mapping chapter for details.)


This directive applies to local interfaces, local classes and individual operations in local classes and local interfaces. It enables the generation of and extra asynchronous version of the operation. For TypeScript only the asynchronous version of the operation will be generated in this case. 


This directive applies only to local interfaces with one operation. Interfaces with this metadata will be generated as a std::function in C++, a delegate in C#, and an interface with one operation (usable as a FunctionalInterface for Java 8) in Java.


This directive allows you to emit a deprecation warning for Slice constructs.


This file directive allows the use of identifiers that start with the reserved prefix Ice (or ICEice etc.). Only Slice files provided by Ice should use this directive.


This directive defines the encoding format used for any classes or exceptions marshaled as the arguments or results of an operation. The tag can be applied to an interface, which affects all of its operations, or to individual operations. Legal values for the tag are format:sliced, format:compact, and format:default. A tag specified for an operation overrides any setting applied to its enclosing interface. The Ice.Default.SlicedFormat property defines the behavior when no tag is present.


This directive changes the return type of servant methods so that a servant can force its results to be marshaled immediately in a thread-safe manner. Refer to the relevant server-side language mapping sections for more information on the rules for parameter passing.


This directive applies to classes and exceptions, allowing an intermediary to forward an instance of the annotated type, or any of its subtypes, with all of its slices intact. Operations that transfer such types must be annotated with format:sliced. It is not necessary to repeat the preserve-slice tag on derived types, but you may wish to do so for documentation purposes.


This directive applies to data members of classes and changes code generation to make these members protected. See class mapping of the relevant language mapping chapter for more information.


This file directive allows to suppress Slice compiler warnings. It applies to all definitions in the Slice file that includes this directive. If one or more categories are specified (for example "suppress-warning:invalid-metadata" or "suppress-warning:deprecated, invalid-metadata") only warnings matching these categories will be suppressed, otherwise all warnings are suppressed. The categories are described in the following table:

Suppress Warning CategoryDescription
allSuppress all Slice compiler warnings. Equivalent to [["suppress-warning"]].
deprecatedSuppress warnings related to deprecated features.
invalid-metadataSuppress warnings related to invalid metadata.


This file directive allows the use of identifiers with underscores. It applies to all definitions in the Slice file that includes this directive.

Metadata Directives for C++

The Slice to C++ compiler understands three C++ metadata prefixes: cpp, cpp11 and cpp98. Most C++ metadata directives can be specified with either one of the prefixes.

cpp11 and cpp98 directives applies only to their respective mapping. A cpp metadata directive applies to both mappings, and can be overridden by the same directive with cpp98 or cpp11.  For example:

["cpp:type:MyType", "cpp11:type:MyNewType"] sequence<byte> ByteSeq;

maps ByteSeq to MyType with the C++98 mapping, and to MyNewType with the C++11 mapping.


This directive applies to sequence parameters in operations. It directs the code generator to map these parameters to pairs of pointers.


This directive applies to structures. It directs the code generator to create a C++ class (instead of a C++ structure) to represent a Slice structure. This is a C++98-only metadata: it has no effect with the C++11 mapping.


This directive applies to structures. It directs the code generator to generate comparison operators for a structure regardless of whether it qualifies as a legal dictionary key type. This is a C++98-only metadata: it has no effect with the C++11 mapping.


This directive applies to operations. It directs the code generator to create a const pure virtual member function for the skeleton class.


This file directive applies to all definitions in a Slice file.

Use SYMBOL to control the export and import of symbols from DLLs on Windows and dynamic shared libraries on other platforms. This option allows you to export symbols from the generated code, and place such generated code in a DLL (on Windows) or shared library (on other platforms). As an example, compiling a Slice file with:


results in the following additional code being generated into Widget.h:

#ifndef WIDGET_API
#   if defined(ICE_STATIC_LIBS)
#       define WIDGET_API /**/
#   else
#   endif

The generated code also includes the provided SYMBOL name (WIDGET_API in our example) in the declaration of classes and functions that need to be exported (when building a DLL or dynamic library) or imported (when using such library).  

ICE_DECLSPEC_EXPORT and ICE_DECLSPEC_IMPORT are macros that expand to compiler-specific attributes. For example, for Visual Studio, they are defined as:

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#   define ICE_DECLSPEC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#   define ICE_DECLSPEC_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)

With GCC and clang, they are defined as:

#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
#   define ICE_DECLSPEC_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default")))
#   define ICE_DECLSPEC_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default")))

The generated .cpp file (Widget.cpp in our example) defines SYMBOL_EXPORTS; this way, you don't need to do anything special when compiling generated files. 


This file directive allows you to use a file extension for C++ header files other than the default .h extension.


This directive applies to exceptions. It directs the code generator to declare (but not implement) an ice_print member function that overrides the ice_print virtual function inherited from an Ice base class. The application must provide the implementation of this ice_print function.


This file directive allows you inject additional #include directives into the generated C++ header file. This is useful for custom types.


This directive applies only to operations on local interfaces. When specified, the generated C++ pure virtual function declaration will carry the noexcept specifier (C++11) or the ICE_NOEXCEPT macro (C++98). ICE_NOEXCEPT expands to noexcept or throw() depending the C++ compiler and C++ compilation flags.


This directive applies to sequence parameters in operations.  It directs the code generator to map these parameters to pairs of iteratorsThis is a C++98-only metadata direcetive: it has no effect with the C++11 mapping.


This directive applies to enumerations. It directs the code generator to use the enumeration's name as prefix for all generated C++ enumerators. This is a C++98-only metadata directive: it has no effect on the C++11 mapping. See also cpp:unscoped below.


This file directive allows you to use a file extension for C++ source files other than the default .cpp extension.


This file directive allows you inject additional #include directives into the generated C++ source file. This is required to make forward declared types visible to the source files.


This directive applies to sequences and dictionaries. It directs the code generator to map the Slice type or parameter to the provided C++ type. 

cpp:type:string and cpp:type:wstring

These directives apply to data members of type string as well as to containers, such as structures, classes and exceptions. String members map by default to std::string. You can use the cpp:type:wstring metadata to cause a string data member (or all string data members in a structure, class or exception) to map to std::wstring instead. Use the cpp:type:string metadata to force string members to use the default mapping regardless of any enclosing metadata.

module A
    ["cpp:type:wstring"] struct Struct1
        string s1; // Maps to std::wstring
        ["cpp:type:string"] string s2; // Maps to std::string


This directive applies to enumerations. It directs the code generator to create an old-type unscoped C++ enumeration instead of a scoped enumeration (enum class). This is a C++11-only directive: it has no effect on the C++98 mapping. See also cpp:scoped above.


This directive applies to string, sequence and dictionary parameters. It directs the code generator to map this parameter to the provided C++ type when this parameter does not need to hold any memory, for example when mapping an in-parameter to a proxy function.


This directive applies to classes with the C++98 mapping only. It has no effect with the C++11 mapping. If the directive is present and a class has base classes, the generated C++ class derives virtually from its bases; without this directive, slice2cpp generates the class so it derives non-virtually from its bases.

This directive is useful if you use Slice classes as servants and want to inherit the implementation of operations in the base class in the derived class. For example:

class Base
    int baseOp();

class Derived extends Base
    string derivedOp();

The metadata directive causes slice2cpp to generate the class definition for Derived using virtual inheritance:

class Base : public virtual Ice::Object
    // ...

class Derived : public virtual Base
    // ...

This allows you to reuse the implementation of baseOp in the servant for Derived using ladder inheritance:

class BaseI : public virtual Base
    Ice::Int baseOp(const Ice::Current&);
    // ...

class DerivedI : public virtual Derived, public virtual BaseI
    // Re-use inherited baseOp()

Note that, if you have data member in classes and use virtual inheritance, you need to take care to correctly call base class constructors if you implement your own one-shot constructor. For example:

class Base
    int baseInt;

class Derived extends Base
    int derivedInt;

The generated one-shot constructor for Derived initializes both baseInt and derivedInt:

Derived::Derived(Ice::Int iceP_baseInt, Ice::Int iceP_derivedInt) :

If you derive your own class from Derived and add a one-shot constructor to your class, you must explicitly call the constructor of all the base classes, including Base. Failure to call the Base constructor will result in Base being default-constructed instead of getting a defined value. For example:

class DerivedI : public virtual Derived
    DerivedI(int baseInt, int derivedInt, const string& s) :
        Base(baseInt), Derived(baseInt, derivedInt), _s(s)

    string _s;

This code correctly initializes the baseInt member of the Base part of the class. Note that the following does not work as intended and leaves the Base part default-constructed (meaning that baseInt is not initialized):

class DerivedI : public virtual Derived
    DerivedI(int baseInt, int derivedInt, const string& s) :
        Derived(baseInt, derivedInt), _s(s)
        // WRONG: Base::baseInt is not initialized.

    string _s;

Metadata Directives for C#

The metadata for C# (or .NET) directives uses the cs prefix or the clr prefix.  These two prefixes are interchangeable:  cs:attribute and clr:attribute have exactly the same meaning. We present these directives with the cs prefix below.

In Ice releases prior to 3.7, the cs prefix was used exclusively for the metadata directives cs:attribute and cs:tie while the clr prefix was used for all other directives.


This directive can be used both as a file directive and as directive for specific Slice constructs. It injects C# attribute definitions into the generated code. (See C-Sharp Attribute Metadata Directive.)


This directive applies to Slice structures. It directs the code generator to emit a C# class instead of a structure.

cs:generic:List, cs:generic:LinkedList, cs:generic:Queue and cs:generic:Stack

These directives apply to sequences and map them to the specified sequence type.


This directive applies to dictionaries and maps them to SortedDictionary.


This directive applies to sequences and allows you map them to custom types.


This directive adds the specified base type to the generated code for a Slice structure, class or interface. For example, Ice defines the Communicator interface as shown below:

local interface Communicator { ... }

Consequently, the generated C# interface Ice.Communicator implements IDisposable.

When used with structs, this metadata can only refer to interfaces without operations. With classes, the code is responsible for registering a value factory if the Slice class is transferred over-the-wire and uses this metadata to implement native C# interfaces.


This module directive instructs the code generator to place the generated C# constructs into the specified namespace. This directive applies only to top-level modules.

When applying this directive to a module that is reopened by your Slice file, you must repeat the metadata for each reopening of the module if you want to remain consistent:

// module M is mapped to namespace MyWidget.M
module M
// Re-open module M to define more types
module M


This directive applies to Slice structures and classes. It directs the code generator to create C# property definitions for data members.


This directive allows you to use Ice to transmit serializable CLR classes as native objects, without having to define corresponding Slice definitions for these classes.


This directive applies to an interface or a class with operations, and triggers the generation of a tie class.


This file directive instructs the code generator to generate type ID helper classes in the specified namespace. If not specified, these helper classes are generated in the Ice.TypeId namespace. See the C-Sharp Mapping for Modules for more details.

Metadata Directives for Java


This directive applies to sequences of certain primitive types. It directs the translator to map the sequence to a subclass of java.nio.Buffer.


This directive applies to data members and structures, classes, and exceptions. It adds accessor and modifier methods (JavaBean methods) for data members.


This directive adds the specified base interface to the generated code for a Slice structure, class or interface. For example, Ice defines the Communicator interface as shown below:

local interface Communicator { ... }

Consequently, the generated Java interface Communicator implements java.lang.AutoCloseable.

When used with structs, this metadata can only refer to interfaces without operations. With classes or interfaces, the generated Java interface will be marked as abstract. The code is responsible for registering a value factory if the Slice class is transferred over-the-wire and uses this metadata to implement native Java interfaces.


This directive is only used by the Java Compat mapping and has no effect in the Java mapping.

This directive forces optional output parameters to use the optional mapping instead of the default required mapping in servants.


This directive instructs the code generator to place the generated classes into a specific package. The directive can be used as file metadata and can also be applied to top-level modules. File metadata (if any) serves as the default directive unless overridden by module metadata.

When applying this directive to a module that is reopened by your Slice file, you must repeat the metadata for each reopening of the module if you want the packaging to remain consistent:

module M
// Re-open module M to define more types
module M


This directive allows you to use Ice to transmit serializable Java classes as native objects, without having to define corresponding Slice definitions for these classes.


This directive overrides the default (generated) value of serialVersionUID for a Slice type.


This directive is only used by the Java Compat mapping and has no effect in the Java mapping.

This directive applies to an interface or a class with operations, and triggers the generation of a tie class.


This directive allows you to use custom types for sequences and dictionaries.


This directive applies to operations, and indicates that the generated Java methods on the mapped servant interfaces and class can throw any user exception, regardless of its specific definition. The exception specification for these methods is simply  throws com.zeroc.Ice.UserException (Java) or throws Ice.UserException (Java Compat). This metadata has no effect on the methods of generated proxies. The directive UserException (without the java: prefix) is a deprecated alias for java:UserException.

Metadata Directives for JavaScript

The metadatra for JavaScript directives uses the js prefix.


This directive applies to local operations, and affects the TypeScript generated definition for a local operation, enabling the generation of an asynchronous operation definition instead of the default synchronous definition generated for local operations.


This directive apply to forward declarations, slice2js needs to know where the forward declared type is defined in order to generate the correct in JavaScript import statements, file-name must be the relative path to the file that defines the forward declared type.


This file directive allows you to change the default mapping of JavaScript modules and enables the use of ES6 modules. See JavaScript mapping for modules.


This file directive allows you to bundle the generated code for several Slice files into a single JavaScript module. See JavaScript mapping for modules.

Metadata Directives for Objective-C


This file directive applies to all definitions in a Slice file.

Use SYMBOL to control the export of symbols from dynamic shared libraries. This option allows you to export symbols from the generated code and place such generated code in a shared library. Compiling a Slice definition with:


 adds the provided SYMBOL name (WIDGET_API in our example) to the declaration of interfaces and protocols that need to be exported. The generated code also defines the provided SYMBOL as __attribute__((visibility ("default"))).

This option is useful when you create a shared library and compile your Objective-C code with -fvisibility=hidden to reduce the number of symbols exported.


This file directive allows you to specify a prefix for the header path in generated Objective-C files. For example, all the Slice files from Ice set this metadata to objc to allow importing Objective-C headers from the objc directory (e.g.: #import <objc/Ice/Ice.h>).


This directive applies to modules and changes the default mapping for modules to use a specified prefix.


This directive applies to enumerations. It directs the code generator to use the enumeration's name as prefix for all generated Objective-C enumerators.

Metadata Directives for Python


Instruct the Ice for Python run-time to unmarshall a sequence as a Python array.array type, it is valid for integral builtin types excluding strings see customizing the sequence mapping in Python.


Instruct the Ice for Python run-time to unmarshall a sequence as a custom Python type created from a Python memoryview object see customizing the sequence mapping in Python.


Instruct the Ice for Python run-time to unmarshall a sequence as a Python numpy.ndarray type, it is valid for integral builtin types excluding strings see customizing the sequence mapping in Python.


This directive instructs the code generator to enclose the generated code in a specified Python package. The directive can be used as file metadata and can also be applied to top-level modules. File metadata (if any) serves as the default directive unless overridden by module metadata.

When applying this directive to a module that is reopened by your Slice file, you must repeat the metadata for each reopening of the module if you want the packaging to remain consistent:

module M
// Re-open module M to define more types
module M


This file directive instructs the code generator to place the generated code into a specified directory.

python:seq:default, python:seq:list and python:seq:tuple

These directives allow you to change the mapping for Slice sequences.

Metadata Directives for Swift


This directive adds the specified Swift attribute to the generated code. It can be used with classes, enums, exceptions and local operations. For example, the ObjectAdapter operation add uses the Swift @discardableResult attribute as shown below:

["swift:nonnull", "swift:attribute:@discardableResult"]
Object* add(["swift:nonnull"] Object servant, Identity id);


This directive adds the specified base type (usually a protocol) to the generated code for a Slice class or interface. For non-local types, only the generated skeleton protocol inherits from the specified type.

For example, Ice defines the Endpoint interface as shown below:

local interface Endpoint


This directive applies to Slice modules and instructs the code generator to map this Slice module to the specified Swift module. All Swift identifiers also receive the specified prefix, as if they were defined in a nested module prefix.

With respect to the Swift mapping:

["swift:module:Mod:Pre"] module Test

is equivalent to:

module Mod
    module Pre

Metadata directives never change type IDs. For example, exception E defined in module Test has type ID "::Test::E" regardless of any swift:module metadata directive on module Test.


This directive applies to local operations and instructs the code generator to generate a Swift instance method that does not throw any exception. For example:

local interface Communicator
    ["swift:noexcept"] void destroy();

is mapped to:

public protocol Communicator: AnyObject {
    func destroy()


This directive applies to a parameter and the return value of a local operation, when the associated type is a nullable Slice type, namely:

  • a proxy such as Object* or Hello*
  • a class instance, such as Value or EmployeeDescription
  • a servant (Object)
  • a local interface or class, such as Communicator or EndpointInfo

 This directive instructs the code generator to generate a non-optional parameter or return value. For example:

local interface ObjectAdapter
    ["swift:nonnull"] Object* add(["swift:nonnull"] Object servant, Identity id);

is mapped to:

public protocol ObjectAdapter: AnyObject {
    func add(servant: Object, id: Identity) throws -> ObjectPrx

Without the nonnull metadata directive, the mapped instance method would accept an Object? servant and return an ObjectPrx?.

This directive also applies to local Slice sequences and values of local Slice dictionaries. For example, you can define a local sequence of non-null proxies, and a local dictionary with non-null values as follows:

["swift:nonnull"] local sequence<Object*> ProxySeq;
local dictionary<string, ["swift:nonnull"] Object*> StringProxyDict;

And the corresponding Swift code is:

public typealias ProxySeq = [Ice.ObjectPrx]
public typealias StringProxyDict = [String: Ice.ObjectPrx]


This directive applies to local types. It directs the code generator to map the Slice type or parameter to the provided Swift type. 

Metadata Directives for Freeze

freeze:read and freeze:write

These directives inform a Freeze evictor whether an operation updates the state of an object, so the evictor knows whether it must save an object before evicting it.

See Also