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The OutputStream API in C++

An OutputStream is created using the following function:

namespace Ice {
    OutputStreamPtr createOutputStream(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator);

The OutputStream class is shown below.

namespace Ice {
    class OutputStream : ... {
        virtual Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator() const = 0;

        virtual void write(bool v) = 0;
        virtual void write(Byte v) = 0;
        virtual void write(Short v) = 0;
        virtual void write(Int v) = 0;
        virtual void write(Long v) = 0;
        virtual void write(Float v) = 0;
        virtual void write(Double v) = 0;
        virtual void write(const std::string& v, bool convert = true) = 0;
        virtual void write(const char* v, bool convert = true) = 0;
        virtual void write(const std::wstring& v) = 0;

        virtual void write(const bool* begin, const bool* end) = 0;
        virtual void write(const Byte* begin, const Byte* end) = 0;
        virtual void write(const Short* begin, const Short* end) = 0;
        virtual void write(const Int* begin, const Int* end) = 0;
        virtual void write(const Long* begin, const Long* end) = 0;
        virtual void write(const Float* begin, const Float* end) = 0;
        virtual void write(const Double* begin, const Double* end) = 0;    

        virtual void write(const std::vector<std::string>& v, bool convert) = 0;

        template<typename T> inline void
        write(const T& v) {
            StreamWriter<StreamTrait<T>::type>::write(this, v);

        virtual void writeSize(Ice::Int sz) = 0;

        virtual void writeProxy(const Ice::ObjectPrx& v) = 0;

        template<typename T> inline void
        write(const IceInternal::ProxyHandle<T>& v) {
            // ...

        virtual void writeObject(const Ice::ObjectPtr& v) = 0;

        template<typename T> inline void
        write(const IceInternal::Handle<T>& v) {
            // ...

        virtual void writeTypeId(const std::string& id) = 0;

        virtual void writeException(const Ice::UserException& e) = 0;

        virtual void startSlice() = 0;
        virtual void endSlice() = 0;

        virtual void startEncapsulation() = 0;
        virtual void endEncapsulation() = 0;

        virtual void writePendingObjects() = 0;

        virtual void finished(std::vector<Ice::Byte>& v) = 0;

        virtual void reset(bool) = 0;

Inserting Built-In Types in C++

Member functions are provided to insert any of the built-in types. For example, you can insert a double value followed by a string into a stream as follows:

out = Ice::createOutputStream(communicator);
Ice::Double d = 3.14;
string s = "Hello";

Inserting Sequences of Built-In Types in C++

For types other than built-in types, the following template member function performs the insertion:

template<typename T> inline void
write(const T& v) {
    StreamWriter<StreamTrait<T>::type>::write(this, v);

For example, you can insert a sequence of integers as follows:

out = Ice::createOutputStream(communicator);
IntSeq s = ...;

The Ice run time provides an implementation of the StreamWriter template whose write method writes a sequence of any of the built-in types. Note that, when writing a sequence, this writes both the sequence size that precedes the sequence elements and the sequence elements that follow the size.

If you are using a custom container for your sequence of built-in type, you must provide a specialization of the StreamTrait template in order to insert your sequence. For example, the following definition allows you to use the QVector container from the Qt library:

// StreamTrait specialization for QVector
template<typename T>
struct StreamTrait< QVector<T> >
    static const StreamTraitType type = StreamTraitTypeSequence;
    static const int minWireSize = 1;

Inserting Sequences of Built-In Types using Zero-Copy in C++

OutputStream provides a number of overloads that accept a pair of pointers. For example, you can insert a sequence of bytes as follows:

out = Ice::createOutputStream(communicator);
vector<Ice::Byte> data = ...;
out->write(&v[0], &v[v.size()]);

The same insertion technique works for the other built-in integral and floating-point types, such int and double. Insertion in this way can avoid an additional data copy during marshaling if the internal representation of the data in memory is the same as the on-the-wire representation. (Note that the two pointers must point at a contiguous block of memory.)

Inserting Structures in C++

Without the --stream option to slice2cpp, you must insert structures member by member according to the data encoding rules. Otherwise, with --stream, slice2cpp generates code that allows you to insert the structure directly. For example, here is how you can insert a Slice structure called MyStruct into a stream:

out = Ice::createOutputStream(communicator);
MyStruct myStruct;
// Initialize myStruct...

Inserting Dictionaries in C++

Without the --stream option to slice2cpp, you can insert any dictionary whose key and value types are built-in types; for any other dictionary, you must insert it as a size followed by its entries according to the data encoding rules. If you are using a custom container for your dictionary of built-in types, you must provide a specialization of the StreamTrait template in order to insert your dictionary. For example, the following definition allows you to use the QMap container from the Qt library:

// StreamTrait specialization for QMap
template<typename K, typename V>
struct StreamTrait< QMap<K, V> >
    static const StreamTraitType type = StreamTraitTypeDictionary;
    static const int minWireSize = 1;

With the --stream option, slice2cpp generates code that allows you to insert any dictionary directly, for example:

out = Ice::createOutputStream(communicator);
MyDict myDict; // Slice: dictionary<int, SomeType> MyDict;
// Initialize myDict...

Inserting Sequences of User-Defined Types in C++

Without the --stream option to slice2cpp, you must insert sequences of user-defined type as a size followed by the element type according to the data encoding rules. Otherwise, with --stream, slice2cpp generates code that allows you to insert a sequence directly, for example:

out = Ice::createOutputStream(communicator);
MyEnumS myEnumS; // Slice: sequence<MyEnum> myEnumS;
// Initialize myEnumS...

Other OutputStream Methods in C++

The remaining member functions of OutputStream have the following semantics:

  • void write(const std::string& v, bool convert = true)
    void write(const char* v, bool convert = true)
    void write(const std::vector<std::string>&, bool convert = true)
    The optional boolean argument determines whether the strings marshaled by these methods are processed by the string converter, if one is installed. The default behavior is to convert the strings.
  • void writeSize(Ice::Int sz)
    The Ice encoding has a compact representation to indicate size. This function converts the given non-negative integer into the proper encoded representation.
  • void writeProxy(const Ice::ObjectPtr & v)
    Inserts a proxy.
  • template<typename T> inline void
    write(const IceInternal::Handle<T>& v)
    This template function behaves like writeObject. You can pass a smart pointer of any type as the parameter v.
  • void writeObject(const Ice::ObjectPtr & v)
    Inserts an Ice object. The Ice encoding for class instances may cause the insertion of this object to be delayed, in which case the stream retains a reference to the given object and the stream does not insert its state it until writePendingObjects is invoked on the stream.
  • template<typename T> inline void
    write(const IceInternal::ProxyHandle<T>& v)
    This template function behaves like writeProxy. You can pass a proxy of any type as the parameter v.
  • void writeTypeId(const std::string & id)
    A table of Slice type IDs is used to save space when encoding Ice objects. This function adds the given type ID to the table and encodes the type ID. writeTypeId may only be invoked in the context of a call to writePendingObjects (see below).
  • void writeException(const Ice::UserException & ex)
    Inserts a user exception. You can also use the template member function write(const T&) to insert a user exception.
  • void startSlice()
    void endSlice()
    Starts and ends a slice of object or exception member data.
  • void startEncapsulation()
    void endEncapsulation()
    Starts and ends an encapsulation, respectively.
  • void writePendingObjects()
    Encodes the state of Ice objects whose insertion was delayed during writeObject. This member function must only be called once.
  • void finished(std::vector< Ice::Byte > & data)
    Indicates that marshaling is complete. The given byte sequence is filled with the encoded data. This member function must only be called once.
  • void reset(bool clearBuffer)
    Resets the writing position of the stream to the beginning. If clearBuffer is true, the stream releases the memory it has allocated to hold the encoded data.
See Also
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