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This section describes the Java code generator and demonstrates how to use a Freeze map in a Java program.

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slice2freezej Command Line Options

The Slice-to-Freeze compiler, slice2freezej, creates Java classes for Freeze maps. The compiler offers the following command-line options in addition to the standard options:


Generate a Freeze map class named NAME using KEY as key and VALUE as value. This option may be specified multiple times to generate several Freeze maps. NAME may be a scoped Java name, such as Demo.Struct1ObjectMap. KEY and VALUE represent Slice types and therefore must use Slice syntax, such as bool or Ice::Identity. The type identified by KEY must be a legal dictionary key type.

--dict-index MAP[,MEMBER][,case-sensitive|case-insensitive]

Add an index to the Freeze map named MAP. If MEMBER is specified, the map value type must be a structure or a class, and MEMBER must be the name of a member of that type. If MEMBER is not specified, the entire value is indexed. When the indexed member (or entire value) is a string, the index can be case-sensitive (default) or case-insensitive.

--index CLASS,TYPE,MEMBER[,case-sensitive|case-insensitive]

Generate an index class for a Freeze evictor. CLASS is the name of the index class to be generated. TYPE denotes the type of class to be indexed (objects of different classes are not included in this index). MEMBER is the name of the data member in TYPE to index. When MEMBER has type string, it is possible to specify whether the index is case-sensitive or not. The default is case-sensitive.

--meta META

Define the global metadata directive META. Using this option is equivalent to defining the global metadata META in each named Slice file, as well as in any file included by a named Slice file.

Generating a Simple Map for Java

As an example, the following command generates a simple map:

$ slice2freezej --dict StringIntMap,string,int

This command directs the compiler to create a map named StringIntMap, with the Slice key type string and the Slice value type int. The compiler produces one Java source file:

slice2freezej Ant Task

In addition to the ant task for executing slice2java, Ice also includes an ant task for executing slice2freezej. The classes for Slice2FreezeJTask are stored in the same JAR file (ant-ice.jar) as Slice2JavaTask. Both tasks also share the same logic for locating a compiler in your execution environment and for managing dependencies between Slice files.

The Slice2FreezeJTask supports the parameters listed below:





Specifies an alternate name for the dependency file. If you specify a relative filename, it is relative to ant's current working directory. If not specified, the task uses the name .depend by default. If you do not define this attribute and outputdir is defined, the task creates the .depend file in the designated output directory (see outputdir).



Instructs the Slice compiler to permit symbols that have the reserved prefix Ice. This parameter is used in the Ice build system and is not normally required by applications.



Specifies the directory in which the Slice compiler generates Java source files. If not specified, the task uses ant's current working directory.



Specifies the path name of the Slice compiler. If not specified, the task locates the Slice compiler in its execution environment as described for slice2java.


Several Slice compiler options must be defined as nested elements of the task:

  • define
    Defines a preprocessor macro. The element supports the attributes name and (optionally) value, as shown below:

    <define name="FOO">
    <define name="BAR" value="5">

    These definitions are equivalent to the command-line options -DFOO and -DBAR=5, respectively.

  • dict
    Generates a Freeze map. This element is equivalent to the --dict command line option and supports three attributes: name, key, and value.
  • dictindex
    Generates an index for a Freeze map. This element is equivalent to the --dict-index command line option and supports three attributes: name, member, and casesensitive.
  • fileset
    Specifies the set of Slice files to be compiled. Refer to the ant documentation of its FileSet type for more information.
  • includepath
    Specifies the include file search path for Slice files. In ant terminology, includepath is a path-like structure. Refer to the ant documentation of its Path type for more information.
  • index
    Generates an index for a Freeze evictor. This element is equivalent to the --index command line option and supports four attributes: name, type, member, and casesensitive.
  • meta
    Defines a global metadata directive in each Slice file as well as in each included Slice file. The element supports the attributes name and value.

To enable the Slice2FreezeJTask in your ant project, define the following taskdef element in your project's build file:

<taskdef name="slice2freezej" classname="Slice2FreezeJTask"/>

This configuration assumes that ant-ice.jar is already present in ant's class path. Alternatively, you can specify the JAR explicitly as follows:

<taskdef name="slice2freezej" classpath="/opt/Ice/lib/ant-ice.jar" classname="Slice2FreezeJTask"/>

Once activated, you can invoke the task to translate your Slice files. The example shown below is a simplified version of the ant project for the library demo:

<target name="generate" depends="init">
    <mkdir dir="generated"/>
    <slice2java outputdir="generated">
        <fileset dir="." includes=""/>
    <slice2freezej ice="on" outputdir="generated">
        <fileset dir="/opt/Ice/slice/Ice" includes=""/>
        <fileset dir="." includes=""/>
        <dict name="StringIsbnSeqDict" key="string" value="Ice::StringSeq"/>

This invocation of the slice2freezej task enables the ice option because the generated Freeze map relies on a type that is defined in an Ice namespace and therefore loads the Slice file directly.

The Freeze Map Class in Java

The class generated by slice2freezej implements the Freeze.Map interface, as shown below:

package Freeze;

public interface Map<K, V> extends NavigableMap<K, V>
    void fastPut(K key, V value);
    void close();
    int closeAllIterators();
    void destroy();

    public interface EntryIterator<T> extends java.util.Iterator<T>
        void close();
        void destroy(); // an alias for close

The Map interface implements standard Java interfaces and provides nonstandard methods that improve efficiency and support database-oriented features. Map defines the following methods:

  • fastPut
    Inserts a new key-value pair. This method is more efficient than the standard put method because it avoids the overhead of reading and decoding the previous value associated with the key (if any).
  • close
    Closes the database associated with this map along with all open iterators. A map must be closed when it is no longer needed, either by closing the map directly or by closing the Freeze Connection object with which this map is associated.
  • closeAllIterators
    Closes all open iterators and returns the number of iterators that were closed. We discuss iterators in more detail in the next section.
  • destroy
    Removes the database associated with this map along with any indices.

Map inherits much of its functionality from the Freeze.NavigableMap interface, which derives from the standard Java interface java.util.SortedMap and also supports a subset of the java.util.NavigableMap interface from Java6:

package Freeze;

public interface NavigableMap<K, V> extends java.util.SortedMap<K, V>
    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> firstEntry();
    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> lastEntry();

    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> ceilingEntry(K key);
    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> floorEntry(K key);
    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> higherEntry(K key);
    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> lowerEntry(K key);

    K ceilingKey(K key);
    K floorKey(K key);
    K higherKey(K key);
    K lowerKey(K key);

    java.util.Set<K> descendingKeySet();
    NavigableMap<K, V> descendingMap();

    NavigableMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey, boolean inclusive);
    NavigableMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey, boolean inclusive);
    NavigableMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive,
                              K toKey, boolean toInclusive);

    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> pollFirstEntry();
    java.util.Map.Entry<K, V> pollLastEntry();

    boolean fastRemove(K key);

The generated class does not implement java.util.NavigableMap because Freeze maps must remain compatible with Java5.

The NavigableMap interface provides a number of useful methods:

  • firstEntry
    Returns the first and last key-value pair, respectively.
  • ceilingEntry
    Returns the key-value pair associated with the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such key.
  • floorEntry
    Returns the key-value pair associated with the greatest key less than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such key.
  • higherEntry
    Returns the key-value pair associated with the least key greater than the given key, or null if there is no such key.
  • lowerEntry
    Returns the key-value pair associated with the greatest key less than the given key, or null if there is no such key.
  • ceilingKey
    These methods have the same semantics as those described above, except they return only the key portion of the matching key-value pair or null if there is no such key.
  • descendingKeySet
    Returns a set representing a reverse-order view of the keys in this map.
  • descendingMap
    Returns a reverse-order view of the entries in this map.
  • headMap
    Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are less than (or equal to, if inclusive is true) the given key.
  • tailMap
    Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are greater than (or equal to, if inclusive is true) the given key.
  • subMap
    Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are within the given range.
  • pollFirstEntry
    Removes and returns the first and last key-value pair, respectively.
  • fastRemove
    Removes an existing key-value pair. As for fastPut, this method is a more efficient alternative to the standard remove method that returns true if a key-value pair was removed, or false if no match was found.

You must supply a comparator object when constructing the map in order to use many of these methods.

Note that NavigableMap also inherits overloaded methods named headMap, tailMap, and subMap from the SortedMap interface. These methods have the same semantics as the ones defined in NavigableMap but they omit the boolean arguments (refer to the JDK documentation for complete details). Although these methods are declared as returning a SortedMap, the actual type of the returned object is a NavigableMap that you can downcast if necessary.

There are some limitations in the sub maps returned by the headMap, tailMap and subMap methods:

  • A new entry in the Freeze map cannot be added via a sub map, therefore calling put raises UnsupportedOperationException.
  • An existing entry in the Freeze map cannot be removed via a sub map or iterator for a secondary key.

Now let us examine the contents of the source file created by the example in the previous section:

public class StringIntMap extends ...
    // implements Freeze.Map<String, Integer>
    public StringIntMap(
        Freeze.Connection connection,
        String dbName,
        boolean createDb,
        java.util.Comparator<String> comparator);

    public StringIntMap(
        Freeze.Connection connection,
        String dbName,
        boolean createDb);

    public StringIntMap(
        Freeze.Connection connection,
        String dbName);

StringIntMap derives from an internal Freeze base class that implements the interface Freeze.Map<String, Integer>. The generated class defines several overloaded constructors whose arguments are described below:

  • dbName
    The name of the database in which to store this map's persistent state. Note that a database can only contain the persistent state of one map type. Any attempt to instantiate maps of different types on the same database results in undefined behavior.
  • createDb
    A flag indicating whether the map should create the database if it does not already exist. If this argument is not specified, the default value is true.
  • comparator
    An object used to compare the map's keys. If this argument is not specified, the default behavior compares the encoded form of the keys.

Why Comparators are Important

The constructor of a Freeze map optionally accepts a comparator object for the primary key and, if any indices are generated, a second object that supplies comparators for each of the index keys. If you do not supply a comparator, Freeze simply compares the encoded form of the keys. This default behavior is acceptable when comparing keys for equality, but using the encoded form cannot work reliably when comparing keys for ordering purposes.

For example, many of the methods in NavigableMap perform greater-than or less-than comparisons on keys, including ceilingEntry, headMap, and tailMapForMEMBER. All of these methods raise UnsupportedOperationException if you failed to supply a corresponding comparator when constructing the map. (The same applies to NavigableMap objects created for secondary keys.) In fact, the only NavigableMap methods that do not require a comparator are firstEntry, lastEntry, pollFirstEntry, pollLastEntry, and fastRemove.

As you can see, the functionality of a Freeze map is quite limited if no comparators are configured, therefore we recommend using comparators at all times.

Using Iterators with Freeze Maps in Java

You can iterate over a Freeze map just as you can with any container that implements the java.util.Map interface. For example, the code below displays the key and value of each element:

StringIntMap m = new StringIntMap(...);
java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer>> i = m.entrySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
    java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer> e =;
    System.out.println("Key: " + e.getKey());
    System.out.println("Value: " + e.getValue());

Generally speaking, a program should close an iterator when it is no longer necessary. (An iterator that is garbage collected without being closed emits a warning message.) However, an explicit close was not necessary in the preceding example because Freeze automatically closes a read-only iterator when it reaches the last element (a read-only iterator is one that is opened outside of any transaction). If instead our program had stopped using the iterator prior to reaching the last element, an explicit close would have been necessary:

StringIntMap m = new StringIntMap(...);
java.util.Iterator<java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer>> i = m.entrySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
    java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer> e =;
    System.out.println("Key: " + e.getKey());
    System.out.println("Value: " + e.getValue());
    if (e.getValue().intValue() == 5)

Closing the iterator requires downcasting it to a Freeze-specific interface named Freeze.Map.EntryIterator. The definition of this interface was shown in the previous section.

Freeze maps also support the enhanced for loop functionality in Java5. Here is a simpler way to write our original program:

StringIntMap m = new StringIntMap(...);
for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : m.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println("Key: " + e.getKey());
    System.out.println("Value: " + e.getValue());

As in the first example, Freeze automatically closes the iterator when no more elements are available. Although the enhanced for loop is convenient, it is not appropriate for all situations because the loop hides its iterator and therefore prevents the program from accessing the iterator in order to close it. In this case, you can use the traditional while loop instead of the for loop, or you can invoke closeAllIterators on the map as shown below:

StringIntMap m = new StringIntMap(...);
for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : m.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println("Key: " + e.getKey());
    System.out.println("Value: " + e.getValue());
    if (e.getValue().intValue() == 5)
int num = m.closeAllIterators();
assert(num <= 1); // The iterator may already be closed.

The closeAllIterators method returns an integer representing the number of iterators that were actually closed. This value can be useful for diagnostic purposes, such as to assert that a program is correctly closing its iterators.

Generating Indices for Freeze Maps in Java

Using the --dict-index option to define an index for a secondary key causes slice2freezej to generate the following additional code in a Freeze map:

  • A static nested class named IndexComparators, which allows you to supply a custom comparator object for each index in the map.
  • An overloading of the map constructor that accepts an instance of IndexComparators.
  • An overloading of the recreate method that accepts an instance of IndexComparators.
  • Searching, counting, and range-searching methods for finding key-value pairs using the secondary key.

We discuss each of these additions in more detail below. In this discussion, MEMBER refers to the optional argument of the --dict-index option, and MEMBER_TYPE refers to the type of that member. As explained earlier, if MEMBER is not specified, slice2freezej creates an index for the value type of the map. The sample code presented in this section assumes we have generated a Freeze map using the following command:

$ slice2freezej --dict StringIntMap,string,int --dict-index StringIntMap

By default, index keys are sorted using their binary Ice-encoded representation. This is an efficient sorting scheme but does not necessarily provide a meaningful traversal order for applications. You can choose a different order by providing an instance of the IndexComparators class to the map constructor. This class has a public data member holding a comparator (an instance of java.util.Comparator<MEMBER_TYPE>) for each index in the map. The class also provides an empty constructor as well as a convenience constructor that allows you to instantiate and initialize the object all at once. The name of each data member is MEMBERComparator. If MEMBER is not specified, the IndexComparators class has a single data member named valueComparator.

Much of the functionality offered by a map index requires that you provide a custom comparator.

Here is the definition of IndexComparators for StringIntMap:

public class StringIntMap ... {
    public static class IndexComparators {
        public IndexComparators() {}

        public IndexComparators(java.util.Comparator<Integer> valueComparator);

        public java.util.Comparator<Integer> valueComparator;


To instantiate a Freeze map using your custom comparators, you must use the overloaded constructor that accepts the IndexComparators object. For our StringIntMap, this constructor has the following definition:

public class StringIntMap ... {
    public StringIntMap(
        Freeze.Connection connection,
        String dbName,
        boolean createDb,
        java.util.Comparator<String> comparator,
        IndexComparators indexComparators);


Now we can instantiate our StringIntMap as follows:

java.util.Comparator<String> myMainKeyComparator = ...;
StringIntMap.IndexComparators indexComparators = new StringIntMap.IndexComparators();
indexComparators.valueComparator = ...;
StringIntMap m = new StringIntMap(connection, "stringIntMap", true,
                                  myMainKeyComparator, indexComparators);

If you later need to change the index configuration of a Freeze map, you can use one of the recreate methods to update the database. Here are the definitions from StringIntMap:

public class StringIntMap ... {
    public static void recreate(
        Freeze.Connection connection,
        String dbName,
        java.util.Comparator<String> comparator);

    public static void recreate(
        Freeze.Connection connection,
        String dbName,
        java.util.Comparator<String> comparator,
        IndexComparators indexComparators);


The first overloading is generated for every map, whereas the second overloading is only generated when the map has at least one index. As its name implies, the recreate method creates a new copy of the database. More specifically, the method removes any existing indices, copies every key-value pair to a temporary database, and finally replaces the old database with the new one. As a side-effect, this process also populates any remaining indices. The first overloading of recreate is useful when you have regenerated the map to remove the last index and wish to clean up the map's database state.

slice2freezej also generates a number of index-specific methods. The names of these methods incorporate the member name (MEMBER), or use value if MEMBER is not specified. In each method name, the value of MEMBER is used unchanged if it appears at the beginning of the method's name. Otherwise, if MEMBER is used elsewhere in the method name, its first letter is capitalized. The index methods are described below:

  • public Freeze.Map.EntryIterator<Map.Entry<K, V>>
    findByMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE index)

    public Freeze.Map.EntryIterator<Map.Entry<K, V>>
    findByMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE index, boolean onlyDups)
    Returns an iterator over elements of the Freeze map starting with an element with whose index value matches the given index value. If there is no such element, the returned iterator is empty (hasNext always returns false). When the second parameter is true (or is not provided), the returned iterator provides only "duplicate" elements, that is, elements with the very same index value. Otherwise, the iterator sets a starting position in the map, and then provides elements until the end of the map, sorted according to the index comparator. Any attempt to modify the map via this iterator results in an UnsupportedOperationException.
  • public int MEMBERCount(MEMBER_TYPE index)
    Returns the number of elements in the Freeze map whose index value matches the given index value.
  • public NavigableMap<MEMBER_TYPE, Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>
    headMapForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE to, boolean inclusive)

    public NavigableMap<MEMBER_TYPE, Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>
    headMapForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE to)
    Returns a view of the portion of the Freeze map whose keys are less than (or equal to, if inclusive is true) the given key. If inclusive is not specified, the method behaves as if inclusive is false.
  • public NavigableMap<MEMBER_TYPE, Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>
    tailMapForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE from, boolean inclusive)
  • public NavigableMap<MEMBER_TYPE, Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>}}
    tailMapForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE from)
    Returns a view of the portion of the Freeze map whose keys are greater than (or equal to, if inclusive is true) the given key. If inclusive is not specified, the method behaves as if inclusive is true.
  • public NavigableMap<MEMBER_TYPE, Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>
    subMapForMEMBER(MEMBER_TYPE from, boolean fromInclusive,
                  MEMBER_TYPE to, boolean toInclusive)

    public NavigableMap<MEMBER_TYPE, Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>
    Returns a view of the portion of the Freeze map whose keys are within the given range. If fromInclusive and toInclusive are not specified, the method behaves as if fromInclusive is true and toInclusive is false.
  • public NavigableMap<MEMBER_TYPE, Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>
    Returns a view of the entire Freeze map ordered by the index key.

For the methods returning a NavigableMap, the key type is the secondary key type and the value is the set of matching key-value pairs from the Freeze map. (For the sake of readability, we have omitted the java.util prefix from Set and Map.Entry.) In other words, the returned map is a mapping of the secondary key to all of the entries whose value contains the same key. Any attempt to add, remove, or modify an element via a sub map view or an iterator of a sub map view results in an UnsupportedOperationException.

Note that iterators returned by the findByMEMBER methods, as well as those created for sub map views, may need to be closed explicitly, just like iterators obtained for the main Freeze map.

Here are the definitions of the index methods for StringIntMap:

public Freeze.Map.EntryIterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>
findByValue(Integer index);

public Freeze.Map.EntryIterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>
findByValue(Integer index, boolean onlyDups);

public int valueCount(Integer index);

public NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>
headMapForValue(Integer to, boolean inclusive);
public NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>
headMapForValue(Integer to);

public NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>
tailMapForValue(Integer from, boolean inclusive);
public NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>
tailMapForValue(Integer from);

public NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>
subMapForValue(Integer from, boolean fromInclusive,
               Integer to, boolean toInclusive);
public NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>
subMapForValue(Integer from, Integer to);

public NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>>

Sample Freeze Map Program in Java

The program below demonstrates how to use a StringIntMap to store <string, int> pairs in a database. You will notice that there are no explicit read or write operations called by the program; instead, simply using the map has the side effect of accessing the database.

public class Client
    public static void
    main(String[] args)
        // Initialize the Communicator.
        Ice.Communicator communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(args);

        // Create a Freeze database connection.
        Freeze.Connection connection = Freeze.Util.createConnection(communicator, "db");

        // Instantiate the map.
        StringIntMap map = new StringIntMap(connection, "simple", true);

        // Clear the map.

        int i;

        // Populate the map.
        for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
            final char[] ch = { (char)('a' + i) };
            map.put(new String(ch), i);

        // Iterate over the map and change the values.
        for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : map.entrySet()) {
            Integer in = e.getValue();
            e.setValue(in.intValue() + 1);

        // Find and erase the last element.
        boolean b;
        b = map.containsKey("z");
        b = map.fastRemove("z");

        // Clean up.


Prior to instantiating a Freeze map, the application must connect to a Berkeley DB database environment:

Freeze.Connection connection = Freeze.Util.createConnection(communicator, "db");

The second argument is the name of a Berkeley DB database environment; by default, this is also the file system directory in which Berkeley DB creates all database and administrative files.

Next, the code instantiates the StringIntMap on the connection. The constructor's second argument supplies the name of the database file, and the third argument indicates that the database should be created if it does not exist:

StringIntMap map = new StringIntMap(connection, "simple", true);

After instantiating the map, we clear it to make sure it is empty in case the program is run more than once:


We populate the map, using a single-character string as the key. As with java.util.Map, the key and value types must be Java objects but the compiler takes care of autoboxing the integer argument:

for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
    final char[] ch = { (char)('a' + i) };
    map.put(new String(ch), i);

Iterating over the map is no different from iterating over any other map that implements the java.util.Map interface:

for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : map.entrySet()) {
    Integer in = e.getValue();
    e.setValue(in.intValue() + 1);

Next, the program verifies that an element exists with key z, and then removes it using fastRemove:

b = map.containsKey("z");
b = map.fastRemove("z");

Finally, the program closes the map and its connection.


See Also

  • No labels