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The Metrics facet implements the Instrumentation Facility to provide convenient access to metrics for the Ice run time and select Ice services. The metrics provided by this facet include the number of threads currently running and their state, the number of connections, information on invocations and dispatch, as well as connection establishment and endpoint name resolution.

On this page:

Metrics Terminology

  • metric: an "analytical measurement intended to quantify the state of a system", recorded by the Ice run time, such as bytes sent over a connection.
  • metric name: the name of the metric, such as "number of connections".
  • metrics map: a collection of metrics objects.
  • metrics view: a collection of metrics maps. A view contains metrics maps of different types (e.g., connections and threads). Several metrics views can be configured with different purposes. For example, you can have a "debug" metrics view to get detailed metrics of each of the instrumented objects in the Ice communicator. This view can be enabled from time to time for debugging purposes but it's disabled most of the time. You could also have a more coarse-grained metrics view to collect data at a higher level, such as the amount of bytes received and sent by all the connections from the communicator. This metrics view can be enabled all the time.

Metrics Types

Metrics are specified as Slice classes defined in the Ice/ Slice file. All the metrics types are defined in the IceMX module.

The base class is IceMX::Metrics:

class Metrics
    string id;
    long total = 0;
    int current = 0;
    long totalLifetime = 0;
    int failures = 0;

A metrics object is an instance of IceMX::Metrics and represents metrics of one or more instrumented objects. An instrumented object can be anything that supports instrumentation. The Ice run time supports instrumentation of the following objects and activities:

  • Threads
  • Connections
  • Invocations
  • Dispatch
  • Connection establishment
  • Endpoint resolution

The id of a metric identifies the instrumented object(s). The total and current members specify the total and current number of instrumented objects created since the creation of the Ice communicator, respectively. The totalLifetime member is the sum of the lifetime of each instrumented object and failures is the number of failures that have occurred for the metrics object(s).

Failures are specified using a separate IceMX::MetricsFailures structure:

struct MetricsFailures
    string id;
    StringIntDict failures;

The failures dictionary provides the count of each type of failure for a metric identified by id. Failures are dependent on the instrumented objects. For example, failures for Ice connections are represented with the name of the exception that caused the connection to fail (e.g., Ice::ConnectionLostException or Ice::TimeoutException).

A metrics map is simply defined as a sequence of IceMX::Metrics objects, and a metrics view is defined as a dictionary of metrics map:

sequence<Metrics> MetricsMap;
dictionary<string, MetricsMap> MetricsView;


The key for the metrics view dictionary is a string that identifies the metrics map. The Ice run time supports the following metrics maps:

Metrics map nameSlice classDescription
ConnectionIceMX::ConnectionMetricsConnection metrics.
ThreadIceMX::ThreadMetricsThread metrics. The Ice run time instruments threads for the communicator's thread pools
as well as threads used internally.
InvocationIceMX::InvocationMetricsClient-side proxy invocation metrics.
DispatchIceMX::DispatchMetricsServer-side dispatch metrics.
EndpointLookupIceMX::MetricsEndpoint lookup metrics. For tcp, ssl and udp endpoints, this corresponds to
the DNS lookups made to resolve the host names in endpoints.
ConnectionEstablishmentIceMX::MetricsConnection establishment metrics.

A metrics map can also contain sub-metrics maps. An example is the Invocation metrics map, which provides a Remote sub-metrics map to record metrics associated with remote invocations. The Slice class for remote invocation metrics is IceMX::Metrics.

The MetricsAdmin Interface

The Slice interface IceMX::MetricsAdmin allows you to retrieve the metrics associated with the Ice communicator:

module IceMX {
exception UnknownMetricsView {};

interface MetricsAdmin {
    Ice::StringSeq getMetricsViewNames(out Ice::StringSeq disableViews);
    void enableMetricsView(string name)
        throws UnknownMetricsView;
    void disableMetricsView(string name)
        throws UnknownMetricsView;
    MetricsView getMetricsView(string view, out long timestamp)
        throws UnknownMetricsView;
    MetricsFailuresSeq getMapMetricsFailures(string view, string map)
        throws UnknownMetricsView;
    MetricsFailures getMetricsFailures(string view, string map, string id)
        throws UnknownMetricsView;

The getMetricsViewName operation retrieves the names of the configured enabled and disabled views. The enableMetricsView and disableMetricsView allow to enable and disable a specific view. Calling those methods is equivalent to setting the view Disabled property to 1 or 0.The getMetricsView operation returns the metrics for the given view. The getMapMetricsFailures and getMetricsFailures operations retrieve the metrics failures for a given map or metrics id.

Metrics Attributes

Metrics views are configured with IceMX Metrics properties.

The GroupBy, Accept and Reject properties are specified using attributes that are specific to each metrics map. The table below describes the attributes supported by the Ice run time's metrics maps.

idAllA unique identifier to select the instrumented object or operation.
parentAllThe parent of the instrumented object or operation.
noneAllThe none attribute is a special attribute that evaluates to the empty string.
endpointConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupThe stringified endpoint.
endpointTypeConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupThe endpoint numerical type as defined in Ice/
endpointIsDatagramConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupA boolean indicating if the endpoint is a datagram endpoint.
endpointIsSecureConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupA boolean indicating if the endpoint is secure.
endpointTimeoutConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupThe endpoint timeout.
endpointCompressConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupA boolean indicating if the endpoint requires compression.
endpointHostConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupThe endpoint host.
endpointPortConnection, Dispatch, Remote, ConnectionEstablishment, EndpointLookupThe endpoint port.
connectionDispatchThe connection description.
incomingConnection, Dispatch, RemoteA boolean where true indicates an incoming (server) connection and false an outgoing (client) connection.


Connection, Dispatch, Remote

If the connection is a server connection, adapterName returns the name of the
adapter that created the connection, otherwise it is the empty string.

connectionIdConnection, Dispatch, RemoteThe ID of the connection if one is set, otherwise it is the empty string.
localAddressConnection, Dispatch, RemoteThe connection's local address.
localPortConnection, Dispatch, RemoteThe connection's local port.
remoteAddressConnection, Dispatch, RemoteThe connection's remote address.
remotePortConnection, Dispatch, RemoteThe connection's remote port.
mcastAddressConnection, Dispatch, RemoteThe connection's multicast address.
mcastPortConnection, Dispatch, RemoteThe connection's multicast port.
stateConnectionThe state of the connection.
operationDispatch, InvocationThe dispatched or invoked operation name.
identityDispatch, InvocationThe identity of the Ice object used for the dispatch or invocation.
facetDispatch, InvocationThe facet of the Ice object used for the dispatch or invocation.
modeDispatch, InvocationThe dispatch or invocation mode.
context.keyDispatch, InvocationThe value of the dispatch or invocation context with the given key.
proxyInvocationThe proxy used for the invocation.

The proxy encoding.

The idparent and none attributes are supported by all maps.

The value of the parent attribute depends on the map. For the Connection, Dispatch and Remote maps, the parent will either be "Communicator" if the connection is a client connection, or the object adapter name if it's a server connection. For the Invocation, EndpointLookup, and ConnectionEstablishment maps, it will always be "Communicator". The parent attribute enables the filtering of metrics based on the object adapter. When used with the GroupBy property it also allows you to obtain metrics at the object adapter level. For instance, the following configuration does not monitor any metrics for the Ice.Admin object adapter and it groups all the metrics based on the object adapter or communicator:


This configuration enables the communicator to get metrics on a per object adapter or communicator basis.

You can also use the none attribute to get metrics for the communicator including the metrics from object adapters, e.g., IceMX.Metrics.MyView.GroupBy=none. This provides the lowest possible level of detail as all the statistics will be recorded by a single metrics object.

The id attribute allows you to get a higher level of detail by recording metrics on a per instrumented object or operation basis. If you specify IceMX.Metrics.MyView.GroupBy=id, the Metrics facet will record metrics for each individual object or operation.

See Also


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