Preliminary documentation for Ice for MATLAB. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

To throw an exception from an operation implementation, you simply instantiate the exception, initialize it, and throw it. For example:

Filesystem::FileI::write(const Filesystem::Lines& text, const Ice::Current&)
    // Try to write the file contents here...
    // Assume we are out of space...
        Filesystem::GenericError e;
        e.reason = "file too large";
        throw e;

No memory management issues arise in the presence of exceptions.

Note that the Slice compiler never generates exception specifications for operations, regardless of whether the corresponding Slice operation definition has an exception specification or not. This is deliberate: C++ exception specifications do not add any value and are therefore not used by the Ice C++ mapping [1].

If you throw an arbitrary C++ exception (such as an int or other unexpected type), the Ice run time catches the exception and then returns an UnknownException to the client.

The server-side Ice run time does not validate user exceptions thrown by an operation implementation to ensure they are compatible with the operation's Slice definition. Rather, Ice returns the user exception to the client, where the client-side run time will validate the exception as usual and raise UnknownUserException for an unexpected exception type.

If you throw a run-time exception, such as MemoryLimitException, the client receives an UnknownLocalException. For that reason, you should never throw Ice run-time exceptions from operation implementations. If you do, all the client will see is an UnknownLocalException, which does not tell the client anything useful.

Three run-time exceptions are treated specially and not changed to UnknownLocalException when returned to the client: ObjectNotExistException, OperationNotExistException, and FacetNotExistException.

See Also
  1. Sutter, H. 2002. A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications. C/C++ Users Journal 20 (7): 59-64.

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