Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

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Mapped C++ Class

A Slice local interface is mapped to a C++ abstract base class with the same name, for example:

module Ice
    local interface Communicator

is mapped to the C++ class Communicator:

namespace Ice
    class Communicator

The delegate metadata allows you to map a local interface with a single operation to a std::function. For example:

module Ice
    ["delegate"] local interface ValueFactory
        Value create(string type);

is mapped to a function in C++:

namespace Ice
    using ValueFactory = std::function<std::shared_ptr<Ice::Value>(const std::string&)>;

The signature of this function is described on C++11 mapping for operations on local types.

LocalObject in C++

All Slice local interfaces implicitly derive from LocalObject, which is mapped to nothing at all in C++11, as shown in the example above.

Mapping for Local Interface Inheritance in C++

Inheritance of local Slice interfaces is mapped to public virtual inheritance in C++. For example:

module M
    local interface A {}
    local interface B extends A {}
    local interface C extends A {}
    local interface D extends B, C {} 

is mapped to:

namespace M
    class A { ... };
    class B : public virtual A { ... };
    class C : public virtual A { ... };
    class D : public virtual B, public virtual C { ... };

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