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This page describes the Java API for the IceSSL plug-in.

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The IceSSL Plugin Interface in Java

Applications can interact directly with the IceSSL plug-in using the native Java interface IceSSL.Plugin. A reference to a Plugin object must be obtained from the communicator in which the plug-in is installed:

Ice.Communicator comm = // ...
Ice.PluginManager pluginMgr = comm.getPluginManager();
Ice.Plugin plugin = pluginMgr.getPlugin("IceSSL");
IceSSL.Plugin sslPlugin = (IceSSL.Plugin)plugin;

The Plugin interface supports the following methods:

package IceSSL;

public interface Plugin extends Ice.Plugin
    void setContext( context); getContext();

    void setCertificateVerifier(CertificateVerifier verifier);
    CertificateVerifier getCertificateVerifier();

    void setPasswordCallback(PasswordCallback callback);
    PasswordCallback getPasswordCallback();

    void setKeystoreStream( stream);

    void setTruststoreStream( stream);

    void addSeedStream( stream);

The methods are summarized below:

  • setContext
    These methods are for advanced use cases and rarely used in practice.
  • setCertificateVerifier
    These methods install and retrieve a custom certificate verifier object that the plug-in invokes for each new connection. getCertificateVerifier returns null if a verifier has not been set.
  • setPasswordCallback
    These methods install and retrieve a password callback object that supplies IceSSL with passwords. getPasswordCallback returns null if a callback has not been set. Using setPasswordCallback is a more secure alternative to setting passwords in clear-text configuration files.
  • setKeystoreStream
    Supplies an input stream for a keystore containing the key pair. The IceSSL.Keystore property is ignored if this method is called with a non-null value. You may supply the same input stream object to this method and to setTruststoreStream if your keystore contains your key pair as well as your trusted CA certificates.
  • setTruststoreStream
    Supplies an input stream for a truststore containing your trusted CA certificates. The IceSSL.Truststore property is ignored if this method is called with a non-null value. You may supply the same input stream object to this method and to setKeystoreStream if your keystore contains your key pair as well as your trusted CA certificates.
  • addSeedStream
    Adds an input stream that supplies seed data for the random number generator. You may call this method multiple times if necessary.

Obtaining SSL Connection Information in Java

You can obtain information about any SSL connection using the getInfo operation on a Connection object. It returns an IceSSL.NativeConnectionInfo class instance that derives from the Slice class IceSSL::ConnectionInfo. The Slice base class is defined as follows:

module Ice {
    local class ConnectionInfo {
        bool incoming;
        string adapterName;

    local class IPConnectionInfo extends ConnectionInfo {
        string localAddress;
        int localPort;
        string remoteAddress;
        int remotePort;

module IceSSL {
    local class ConnectionInfo extends Ice::IPConnectionInfo {
        string cipher;
        Ice::StringSeq certs;

In turn, the Java class NativeConnectionInfo is defined as follows.

public class NativeConnectionInfo extends ConnectionInfo
    public[] nativeCerts;

Installing a Certificate Verifier in Java

A new connection undergoes a series of verification steps before an application is allowed to use it. The low-level SSL engine executes certificate validation procedures and, assuming the certificate chain is successfully validated, IceSSL performs additional verification as directed by its configuration properties. Finally, if a certificate verifier is installed, IceSSL invokes it to provide the application with an opportunity to decide whether to allow the connection to proceed.

The CertificateVerifier interface has only one method:

package IceSSL;

public interface CertificateVerifier
    boolean verify(NativeConnectionInfo info);

IceSSL rejects the connection if verify returns false, and allows it to proceed if the method returns true. The verify method receives a NativeConnectionInfo object that describes the connection's attributes.

The nativeCerts member of the NativeConnectionInfo is an array of certificates representing the peer's certificate chain. The array is structured so that the first element is the peer's certificate, followed by its signing certificates in the order they appear in the chain, with the root CA certificate as the last element. This member is null if the peer did not present a certificate chain.

The cipher member is a description of the ciphersuite that SSL negotiated for this connection. The local and remote address information is provided in localAddress and remoteAddress, respectively. The incoming member indicates whether the connection is inbound (a server connection) or outbound (a client connection). Finally, if incoming is true, the adapterName member supplies the name of the object adapter that hosts the endpoint.

The following class is a simple implementation of a certificate verifier:


class Verifier implements IceSSL.CertificateVerifier
    public boolean
    verify(IceSSL.NativeConnectionInfo info)
        if (info.nativeCerts != null)
            X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)info.nativeCerts[0];
            X500Principal p = cert.getIssuerX500Principal();
            if (p.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf("zeroc") != -1)
                return true;
        return false;

In this example, the verifier rejects the connection unless the string zeroc is present in the issuer's distinguished name of the peer's certificate. In a more realistic implementation, the application is likely to perform detailed inspection of the certificate chain.

Installing the verifier is a simple matter of calling setCertificateVerifier on the plug-in interface:

IceSSL.Plugin sslPlugin = // ...
sslPlugin.setCertificateVerifier(new Verifier());

You should install the verifier before any SSL connections are established. An alternate way of installing the verifier is to define the IceSSL.CertVerifier property with the class name of your verifier implementation. IceSSL instantiates the class using its default constructor.

You can also install a certificate verifier using a custom plug-in to avoid making changes to the code of an existing application.

The Ice run time calls the verify method during the connection-establishment process, therefore delays in the verify implementation have a direct impact on the performance of the application. Do not make remote invocations from your implementation of verify.

Converting Certificates in Java

Java does not provide a simple way to create a certificate object from a PEM-encoded string, therefore IceSSL offers the following convenience method:

package IceSSL;

public final class Util
    // ...

    public static
    createCertificate(String certPEM)

Given a string in the PEM format, createCertificate returns the equivalent X509Certificate object.

See Also

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