Documentation for Ice 3.4. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

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The Ice run time guarantees that every operation invocation that involves a servant locator is bracketed by calls to locate and finished, that is, every call to locate is balanced by a corresponding call to finished (assuming that the call to locate actually returned a servant, of course).

In addition, the Ice run time guarantees that locate, the operation, and finished are called by the same thread. This guarantee is important because it allows you to use locate and finished to implement thread-specific pre- and post-processing around operation invocations. (For example, you can start a transaction in locate and commit or roll back that transaction in finished, or you can acquire a lock in locate and release the lock in finished.

Both transactions and locks usually are thread-specific, that is, only the thread that started a transaction can commit it or roll it back, and only the thread that acquired a lock can release the lock.

If you are using asynchronous method dispatch, the thread that starts a call is not necessarily the thread that finishes it. In that case, finished is called by whatever thread executes the operation implementation, which may be a different thread than the one that called locate.

The Ice run time also guarantees that deactivate is called when you destroy the object adapter to which the servant locator is attached. The deactivate call is made only once all operations that involved the servant locator are finished, that is, deactivate is guaranteed not to run concurrently with locate or finished, and is guaranteed to be the last call made to a servant locator.

Beyond this, the Ice run time provides no threading guarantees for servant locators. In particular, it is possible for invocations of:

  • locate to proceed concurrently (for the same object identity or for different object identities).
  • finished to proceed concurrently (for the same object identity or for different object identities).
  • locate and finished to proceed concurrently (for the same object identity or for different object identities).

These semantics allow you to extract the maximum amount of parallelism from your application code (because the Ice run time does not serialize invocations when serialization may not be necessary). Of course, this means that you must protect access to shared data from locate and finished with mutual exclusion primitives as necessary.

See Also
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