A server represents an Ice server deployed on a node as part of an application. IceGrid supports three kinds of servers:

On this page:

Plain Server


The Server Properties panel offers the following fields:

Activation ModeDescription
alwaysIceGrid keeps this server running all the time
manualThis server is started "manually", using IceGrid Admin or the icegridadmin command-line utility
on-demandIceGrid starts this server when it resolves the object-adapter ID of an object adapter defined in this server
sessionIceGrid starts a separate instance of this server for each IceGrid session that allocates this server

The Activation Mode can also be a variable or a combination of variables that resolves to one of the values above.       


"None selected" (default) or blankno private distribution defined
${application}.IcePatch2/serverthe well-known proxy of an IcePatch2 server deployed in this application
using the IcePatch2 default server-template (with a default instance-name parameter value).
stringified proxyyour own stringified or well-known proxy


A plain server can have two types of children:

IceBox Server


The Properties panel for an IceBox server is identical to the Properties panel for a Plain Server.

When you create a new IceBox server, some properties are created automatically:

Property NameProperty Value
Ice.Admin.Endpointstcp -h

The Ice.Admin.Endpoints setting enables the Admin object in the main communicator of this IceBox server.

The Path to Executable is typically iceboxiceboxd (for a C++ IceBox), java (for a Java IceBox) or iceboxcs (for a .NET IceBox). In Java, the Command Arguments should include the IceBox container class name, IceBox.Server.


An IceBox server can have only one type of children, Service.

Server Instance

A server instance is a server created from a server template; it may be a plain server or an IceBox server.


The Server Instance Properties panel offers the following fields:


An instance of an IceBox server template can have one type of children, Property Set.

An instance of a plain server template cannot have any child.