IceGrid provides two administrative clients: a command-line tool and a graphical application.

On this page:

IceGrid Command Line Utility

The icegridadmin utility is a command-line tool for administering an IceGrid domain. Deploying an application with this utility requires an XML file that defines the descriptors.


The IceGrid administration tool supports the following command-line options:

Usage: icegridadmin [options]
-h, --help           Show this message.
-v, --version        Display the Ice version.
-e COMMANDS          Execute COMMANDS.
-d, --debug          Print debug messages.
-s, --server         Start icegridadmin as a server (to parse XML
-u, --username       Login with the given username.
-p, --password       Login with the given password.
-S, --ssl            Authenticate through SSL.
-r, --replica NAME   Connect to the replica NAME.

The -e option causes the tool to execute the given commands and then exit without entering an interactive mode. The -s option starts icegridadmin in a server mode that supports the IceGrid::FileParser interface; a proxy for the object is printed to standard output. If neither -e nor -s is specified, the tool enters an interactive mode in which you issue commands at a prompt.

To communicate with the IceGrid registry, icegridadmin establishes an administrative session. The tool uses SSL authentication if you specify the -S option or define its equivalent property IceGridAdmin.AuthenticateUsingSSL. Otherwise, icegridadmin uses password authentication and prompts you for the username and password if you do not specify them via command-line options or properties. If you want icegridadmin to establish its session using a Glacier2 router, define Ice.Default.Router appropriately. See IceGrid Administrative Client Properties for more information on the tool's configuration properties.

Once the session is successfully established, icegridadmin displays its command prompt. The help command displays the following usage information:

The tool's commands are organized by category. The supported command categories are shown below:

You can obtain more information about each category using the help command:

>>> application help

Application Commands

Node Commands

Registry Commands

Server Commands

Service Commands

Adapter Commands

Object Commands

The object command operates on well-known objects.

Server Template

Service Template


icegridadmin requires that the locator proxy be defined in the configuration property Ice.Default.Locator. If a configuration file already exists that defines this property, you can start icegridadmin using the configuration file as shown below:

$ icegridadmin --Ice.Config=<file>

Otherwise, you can define the property on the command line:

$ icegridadmin --Ice.Default.Locator=<proxy>

Refer to the discussion of our ripper client for more information on configuring the Ice.Default.Locator property for an IceGrid client.

IceGrid Graphical Client

The graphical administration tool, IceGrid Admin, allows you to perform anything that you can do from the command line via a GUI. Please refer to the instructions included with your Ice distribution for details on how to start the administration tool.

See Also