Ice-E 3.6.1 Application Notes

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Using Plug-ins with Static Libraries

The IceDiscoveryIceLocatorDiscoveryIceSSL, and IceStringConverter plug-ins are included with the libIce.a static library. To use these plug-ins, your application must ensure the plug-ins are linked in by calling the plug-in's register function and linking with the Ice-E static library.

The following functions can be used for registering the plug-ins:

  • Ice::registerIceSSL
  • Ice::registerIceDiscovery
  • Ice::registerIceLocatorDiscovery
  • Ice::registerIceStringConverter

Refer to the installing section of each plug-in in the Ice Plugins documentation for additional information on these methods.

If you are developing your own plug-in, you will also need to register your plugin factory function using Ice::registerPluginFactory. Refer to the Plug-in API for more information on this function.