Ice-E 3.6.1 Feature Set

Ice-E 3.6.1 is based on the Ice 3.6.1 release. See the Ice 3.6.1 Release Notes for more information on Ice.

Ice-E and Ice provide the same API and implement the same Ice protocol. Here is a brief comparison of these two products:

C++, Python(tick)(tick)
Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, PHP, Ruby(error) (1)(tick)
Ice transports: tcp, ssl, ws, wss, udp(tick)(tick)
Client libraries for Ice services (IceGrid, IceStorm etc.)(tick)(tick)
Glacier2 firewall traversal service(tick)(tick)
Other Ice services (IceGrid, IceStorm, Freeze, IcePatch2)(error)(tick)
IceBox(tick) (2)(tick)
Supports cross-compilation to Linux/ARM(tick)(error)
Static libraries(tick)(error)
Dynamic libraries(tick)(tick)

 (1) Ice-E is supported only for C++ and Python. It is likely other Ice language mappings could work on the Ice-E Linux/ARM targets, but were not tested.

 (2) IceBox is not supported with static libraries.