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The server-side mapping for interfaces provides an up-call API for the Ice run time: by implementing member functions in a servant class, you provide the hook that gets the thread of control from the Ice server-side run time into your application code.

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Skeleton Types in Java

On the client side, interfaces map to proxy types. On the server side, interfaces map to skeleton types. A skeleton is a class or interface that defines a method for each operation on the corresponding Slice interface. For example, consider our Slice definition for the Node interface:

module Filesystem
    interface Node
        idempotent string name();
    // ...

The Slice compiler generates the following definition for this interface:

Java Compat
package Filesystem;

public interface _NodeOperations
    String name(Ice.Current current);

public interface _NodeOperationsNC
    String name();

public interface Node extends Ice.Object, _NodeOperations, _NodeOperationsNC
    public static final String ice_staticId = "::Filesystem::Node";
    public static final long serialVersionUID = ...;

public abstract class _NodeDisp extends Ice.ObjectImpl implements Node
    // Mapping-internal code here...

The important points to note here are:

  • As for the client side, Slice modules are mapped to Java packages with the same name, so the skeleton class definitions are part of the Filesystem package.
  • For each Slice interface <interface-name>, the compiler generates Java interfaces _<interface-name>Operations and _<interface-name>OperationsNC (_NodeOperations and _NodeOperationsNC in this example). These interfaces contain a method for each operation in the Slice interface. (You can ignore the Ice.Current parameter for now.)
  • For each Slice interface <interface-name>, the compiler generates a Java interface <interface-name> (Node in this example). That interface extends Ice.Object as well as the two operations interfaces, and defines the constant ice_staticId with the corresponding Slice type ID.
  • For each Slice interface <interface-name>, the compiler generates an abstract class _<interface-name>Disp (_NodeDisp in this example). This abstract class is the actual skeleton class; it is the base class from which you derive your servant class.

Servant Classes in Java

In order to provide an implementation for an Ice object, you must create a servant class that inherits from the corresponding skeleton type. For example, to create a servant for the Node interface, you could write:

Java Compat
package Filesystem;

public final class NodeI extends _NodeDisp
    public NodeI(String name)
        _name = name;

    public String name(Ice.Current current)
        return _name;

    private String _name;

By convention, servant classes have the name of their interface with an I-suffix, so the servant class for the Node interface is called NodeI. (This is a convention only: as far as the Ice run time is concerned, you can choose any name you prefer for your servant classes.)

As far as Ice is concerned, the NodeI class must implement only a single method: the name method that it inherits from its skeleton. This makes the servant class a concrete class that can be instantiated. You can add other member functions and data members as you see fit to support your implementation. For example, in the preceding definition, we added a _name member and a constructor. (Obviously, the constructor initializes the _name member and the name function returns its value.)

Normal and idempotent Operations in Java

Whether an operation is an ordinary operation or an idempotent operation has no influence on the way the operation is mapped. To illustrate this, consider the following interface:

interface Example
               void   normalOp();
    idempotent void   idempotentOp();
    idempotent string readonlyOp();

The methods for this interface look like this:

Java Compat
void normalOp(Current current);
void idempotentOp(Current current);
String readonlyOp(Current current);

Note that the signatures of the member functions are unaffected by the idempotent qualifier.

See Also

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