Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



local interface CommunicatorObserver

The communicator observer interface used by the Ice run-time to obtain and update observers for its observable objects. This interface should be implemented by add-ins that wish to observe Ice objects in order to collect statistics. An instance of this interface can be provided to the Ice run-time through the Ice communicator initialization data.

Used By

Operation Index

getConnectionEstablishmentObserver — This method should return an observer for the given endpoint information and connector.
getEndpointLookupObserver — This method should return an observer for the given endpoint information.
getConnectionObserver — This method should return a connection observer for the given connection.
getThreadObserver — This method should return a thread observer for the given thread.
getInvocationObserver — This method should return an invocation observer for the given invocation.
getDispatchObserver — This method should return a dispatch observer for the given dispatch.
setObserverUpdater — The Ice run-time calls this method when the communicator is initialized.


Ice::Instrumentation::Observer getConnectionEstablishmentObserver(Ice::Endpoint endpt, string connector)

This method should return an observer for the given endpoint information and connector. The Ice run-time calls this method for each connection establishment attempt.


endpt — The endpoint.
connector — The description of the connector. For IP transports, this is typically the IP address to connect to.

Return Value

The observer to instrument the connection establishment.

Ice::Instrumentation::Observer getEndpointLookupObserver(Ice::Endpoint endpt)

This method should return an observer for the given endpoint information. The Ice run-time calls this method to resolve an endpoint and obtain the list of connectors. For IP endpoints, this typically involves doing a DNS lookup to obtain the IP addresses associated with the DNS name.


endpt — The endpoint.

Return Value

The observer to instrument the endpoint lookup.

Ice::Instrumentation::ConnectionObserver getConnectionObserver(Ice::ConnectionInfo c, Ice::Endpoint e, Ice::Instrumentation::ConnectionState s, Ice::Instrumentation::ConnectionObserver o)

This method should return a connection observer for the given connection. The Ice run-time calls this method for each new connection and for all the Ice communicator connections when ObserverUpdater::updateConnections is called.


c — The connection information.
e — The connection endpoint.
s — The state of the connection.
o — The old connection observer if one is already set or a null reference otherwise.

Return Value

The connection observer to instrument the connection.

Ice::Instrumentation::ThreadObserver getThreadObserver(string parent, string id, Ice::Instrumentation::ThreadState s, Ice::Instrumentation::ThreadObserver o)

This method should return a thread observer for the given thread. The Ice run-time calls this method for each new thread and for all the Ice communicator threads when ObserverUpdater::updateThreads is called.


parent — The parent of the thread.
id — The ID of the thread to observe.
s — The state of the thread.
o — The old thread observer if one is already set or a null reference otherwise.

Return Value

The thread observer to instrument the thread.

Ice::Instrumentation::InvocationObserver getInvocationObserver(Object* prx, string operation, Ice::Context ctx)

This method should return an invocation observer for the given invocation. The Ice run-time calls this method for each new invocation on a proxy.


prx — The proxy used for the invocation.
operation — The name of the invocation.
ctx — The context specified by the user.

Return Value

The invocation observer to instrument the invocation.

Ice::Instrumentation::DispatchObserver getDispatchObserver(Ice::Current c, int size)

This method should return a dispatch observer for the given dispatch. The Ice run-time calls this method each time it receives an incoming invocation to be dispatched for an Ice object.


c — The current object as provided to the Ice servant dispatching the invocation.
size — The size of the dispatch.

Return Value

The dispatch observer to instrument the dispatch.

void setObserverUpdater(Ice::Instrumentation::ObserverUpdater updater)

The Ice run-time calls this method when the communicator is initialized. The add-in implementing this interface can use this object to get the Ice run-time to re-obtain observers for observed objects.


updater — The observer updater object.

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