Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.



local enum ThreadState

The thread state enumeration keeps track of the different possible states of Ice threads.

Used By

Enumerator Index

ThreadStateIdle — The thread is idle.
ThreadStateInUseForIO — The thread is in use performing reads or writes for Ice connections.
ThreadStateInUseForUser — The thread is calling user code (servant implementation, AMI callbacks).
ThreadStateInUseForOther — The thread is performing other internal activities (DNS lookups, timer callbacks, etc).



The thread is idle.


The thread is in use performing reads or writes for Ice connections. This state is only for threads from an Ice thread pool.


The thread is calling user code (servant implementation, AMI callbacks). This state is only for threads from an Ice thread pool.


The thread is performing other internal activities (DNS lookups, timer callbacks, etc).

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