Documentation for Ice 3.5. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

An IceGrid deployment may use several IceGrid registry replicas, with one Master registry and a number of read-only Slave registries.


A slave registry provides the following actions, from its contextual menu and from the Tools > Registry menu

  • Retrieve stdout
    Retrieve the stdout log file of the IceGrid registry into a Log File Dialog . This retrieval succeeds only when the registry stdout output has been redirected to a file using the Ice.StdOut property.

  • Retrieve stderr
    Retrieve the stderr log file of the IceGrid registry into a Log File Dialog . This retrieval succeeds only when the registry stderr output has been redirected to a file using the Ice.StdErr property.

  • Shutdown
    Shutdown the registry process.

 You cannot restart an IceGrid registry from IceGrid Admin.


The Registry Properties panel shows:

  • Hostname
    The name of the host on which the IceGrid registry process is running.


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