Preliminary documentation for Ice 3.7.1 Beta. Do not use in production applications. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

On this page:

The Ice::Service C++ Class

The Ice::Application class is very convenient for general use by Ice client and server applications. In some cases, however, an application may need to run at the system level as a Unix daemon or Windows service. For these situations, Ice includes Ice::Service, a singleton class that is comparable to Ice::Application but also encapsulates the low-level, platform-specific initialization and shutdown procedures common to system services. Ice::Service is currently available only in C++.

The Ice::Service class is declared as follows:

namespace Ice
    class Service

        virtual ~Service();

        virtual bool shutdown();
        virtual void interrupt();

        int main(int argc, const char* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);
#ifdef _WIN32
        int main(int argv, const wchar_t* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);
        int main(const StringSeq& args, const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);

        std::shared_ptr<Communicator> communicator() const;
        static Service* instance();

        bool service() const;
        std::string name() const;
        bool checkSystem() const;

        int run(int argc, const char* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version= ICE_INT_VERSION);
#ifdef _WIN32
        int run(int argc, const wchar_t* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);

#ifdef _WIN32
        void configureService(const std::string& name);
        void configureDaemon(bool chdir, bool close, const std::string& pidFile);

        virtual void handleInterrupt(int);


        virtual bool start(int argc, char* argv[], int& status) = 0;
        virtual void waitForShutdown();
        virtual bool stop();

        virtual std::shared_ptr<Communicator> initializeCommunicator(int& argc, char* argv[], const InitializationData& initData, int version);

        virtual void syserror(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void error(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void warning(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void trace(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void print(const std::string& msg);
        void enableInterrupt();
        void disableInterrupt();
namespace Ice
    class Service

        virtual ~Service();

        virtual bool shutdown();
        virtual void interrupt();

        int main(int argc, const char* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);
#ifdef _WIN32
        int main(int argv, const wchar_t* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);
        int main(const StringSeq& args, const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);

        CommunicatorPtr communicator() const;
        static Service* instance();

        bool service() const;
        std::string name() const;
        bool checkSystem() const;

        int run(int argc, const char* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version= ICE_INT_VERSION);
#ifdef _WIN32
        int run(int argc, const wchar_t* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);

#ifdef _WIN32
        void configureService(const std::string& name);
        void configureDaemon(bool chdir, bool close, const std::string& pidFile);

        virtual void handleInterrupt(int);


        virtual bool start(int argc, char* argv[], int& status) = 0;
        virtual void waitForShutdown();
        virtual bool stop();

        virtual CommunicatorPtr initializeCommunicator(int& argc, char* argv[], const InitializationData& initData, int version);

        virtual void syserror(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void error(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void warning(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void trace(const std::string& msg);
        virtual void print(const std::string& msg);
        void enableInterrupt();
        void disableInterrupt();

At a minimum, an Ice application that uses the Ice::Service class must define a subclass and override the start member function, which is where the service must perform its startup activities, such as processing command-line arguments, creating an object adapter, and registering servants. The application's main function must instantiate the subclass and typically invokes its main member function, passing the program's argument vector as parameters. The example below illustrates a minimal Ice::Service subclass:

#include <Ice/Ice.h>

class MyService : public Ice::Service 
    virtual bool start(int, char*[], int&) override;
    std::shared_ptr<Ice::ObjectAdapter> _adapter;

MyService::start(int argc, char* argv[], int& status)
    _adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("MyAdapter");
    status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    return true;

main(int argc, char* argv[])
    MyService svc;
    return svc.main(argc, argv);
#include <Ice/Ice.h>

class MyService : public Ice::Service 
    virtual bool start(int, char*[], int&);
    Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr _adapter;

MyService::start(int argc, char* argv[], int& status)
    _adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("MyAdapter");
    _adapter->addWithUUID(new MyServantI);
    status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    return true;

main(int argc, char* argv[])
    MyService svc;
    return svc.main(argc, argv);

The Service::main member function performs the following sequence of tasks:

  1. Scans a copy of the argument vector for reserved options that indicate whether the program should run as a system service and removes these options from this copy of the argument vector. Additional reserved options are supported for administrative tasks.
  2. Configures the program for running as a system service (if necessary) by invoking configureService or configureDaemon, as appropriate for the platform.
  3. Invokes the run member function with the filtered argument vector and returns its result.

Note that, as for Application::mainService::main is overloaded to accept a string sequence instead of an argc/argv pair. This is useful if you need to parse application-specific property settings on the command line.

For maximum portability, we strongly recommend that all initialization tasks be performed in the start member function and not in the global main function. For example, allocating resources in main can cause program instability for Unix daemons.

The Service::run member function executes the service in the steps shown below:

  1. Makes a copy of the provided argument vector.
  2. Installs a signal handler.
  3. Invokes the initializeCommunicator member function to obtain a communicator. The communicator instance can be accessed using the communicator member function.
  4. Invokes the start member function. If start returns false to indicate failure, run destroys the communicator and returns immediately using the exit status provided in status.
  5. Invokes the waitForShutdown member function, which should block until shutdown is invoked.
  6. Invokes the stop member function. If stop returns truerun considers the application to have terminated successfully.
  7. Destroys the communicator.
  8. Gracefully terminates the system service (if necessary).

If an unhandled exception is caught by Service::run, a descriptive message is logged, the communicator is destroyed and the service is terminated.

Ice::Service Member Functions

The virtual member functions in Ice::Service represent the points at which a subclass can intercept the service activities. All of the virtual member functions (except start) have default implementations.

  • void handleInterrupt(int sig)
    Invoked by the signal handler when it catches a signal. The default implementation ignores the signal if it represents a logoff event and the Ice.Nohup property is set to a value larger than zero, otherwise it invokes the interrupt member function.
  •  std::shared_ptr<Ice::Communicator> initializeCommunicator(int& argc, char* argv[], const InitializationData& initData, int version) (C++11)
    Ice::CommunicatorPtr initializeCommunicator(int& argc, char* argv[], const InitializationData& initData, int version)
    Initializes a communicator. The default implementation invokes Ice::initialize and passes the given arguments.
  • void interrupt()
    Invoked by the signal handler to indicate a signal was received. The default implementation invokes the shutdown member function.
  • bool shutdown()
    Causes the service to begin the shutdown process. The default implementation invokes shutdown on the communicator. The subclass must return true if shutdown was started successfully, and false otherwise.
  • bool start(int argc, char* argv[], int& status)
    Allows the subclass to perform its startup activities, such as scanning the provided argument vector for recognized command-line options, creating an object adapter, and registering servants. The subclass must return true if startup was successful, and false otherwise. The subclass can set an exit status via the status parameter. This status is returned by main.
  • bool stop()
    Allows the subclass to clean up prior to termination. The default implementation does nothing but return true. The subclass must return true if the service has stopped successfully, and false otherwise.
  • void syserror(const std::string& msg)
    void error(const std::string& msg)
    void warning(const std::string& msg)
    void trace(const std::string& msg)
    void print(const std::string& msg)
    Convenience functions for logging messages to the communicator's logger. The syserror member function includes a description of the system's current error code. You can also log messages to these functions using utility classes similar to the C++ Logger Utility Classes: these classes are ServiceSysErrorServiceErrorServiceWarningServiceTrace and ServicePrint, all nested in the Service class.
  • void waitForShutdown()
    Waits indefinitely for the service to shut down. The default implementation invokes waitForShutdown on the communicator.

The non-virtual member functions shown in the class definition are described below:

  • bool checkSystem() const
    Returns true if the operating system supports Windows services or Unix daemons.
  • std::shared_ptr<Ice::Communicator> communicator() const (C++11)
    Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator() const
    Returns the communicator used by the service, as created by initializeCommunicator.
  • void configureDaemon(bool chdir, bool close, const std::string& pidFile)
    Configures the program to run as a Unix daemon. The chdir parameter determines whether the daemon changes its working directory to the root directory. The close parameter determines whether the daemon closes unnecessary file descriptors (i.e., stdin, stdout, etc.). If a non-empty string is provided in the pidFile parameter, the daemon writes its process ID to the given file.
  • void configureService(const std::string& name)
    Configures the program to run as a Windows service with the given name.
  • void disableInterrupt()
    Disables the signal handling behavior in Ice::Service. When disabled, signals are ignored.
  • void enableInterrupt()
    Enables the signal handling behavior in Ice::Service. When enabled, the occurrence of a signal causes the handleInterrupt member function to be invoked.
  • static Service* instance()
    Returns the singleton Ice::Service instance.
  • int main(int argv, const char* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION)
    int main(int argc, const wchar_t* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION)
    int main(const Ice::StringSeq& args, 
    const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION);
    The primary entry point of the Ice::Service class. The tasks performed by this function are described earlier in this section. The function returns EXIT_SUCCESS for success, EXIT_FAILURE for failure. For Windows, this function is overloaded to allow you to pass a wchar_t argument vector.
  • std::string name() const
    Returns the name of the service. If the program is running as a Windows service, the return value is the Windows service name, otherwise it returns the value of argv[0].
  • int run(int argc, const char* const argv[], const InitializationData& initData = InitializationData(), int version = ICE_INT_VERSION)
    Alternative entry point for applications that prefer a different style of service configuration. The program must invoke configureService (Windows) or configureDaemon (Unix) in order to run as a service. The tasks performed by this function were described earlier. The function normally returns EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE, but the start method can also supply a different value via its status argument.
  • bool service() const
    Returns true if the program is running as a Windows service or Unix daemon, or false otherwise.


Unix Daemons

On Linux and macOS, passing --daemon causes your program to run as a daemon. When this option is present, Ice::Service performs the following additional actions:

  • Creates a background child process in which Service::main performs its tasks. The foreground process does not terminate until the child process has successfully invoked the start member function. This behavior avoids the uncertainty often associated with starting a daemon from a shell script by ensuring that the command invocation does not complete until the daemon is ready to receive requests.
  • Changes the current working directory of the child process to the root directory, unless --nochdir is specified.
  • Closes all file descriptors, unless --noclose is specified. The standard input (stdin) channel is closed and reopened to /dev/null. Likewise, the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) channels are also closed and reopened to /dev/null unless Ice.StdOut or Ice.StdErr are defined, respectively, in which case those channels use the designated log files.

    The file descriptors are not closed until after the communicator is initialized, meaning standard input, standard output, and standard error are available for use during this time. For example, the IceSSL plug-in may need to prompt for a passphrase on standard input, or Ice may print the child's process id on standard output if the property Ice.PrintProcessId is set.

The following additional command-line options can be specified in conjunction with the --daemon option:

  • --pidfile FILE
    This option writes the process ID of the service into the specified FILE.
  • --noclose
    Prevents Ice::Service from closing unnecessary file descriptors. This can be useful during debugging and diagnosis because it provides access to the output from the daemon's standard output and standard error.
  • --nochdir
    Prevents Ice::Service from changing the current working directory.

All of these options are removed from the argument vector that is passed to the start member function.

We strongly recommend that you perform all initialization tasks in your service's start member function, and not in the global main function. This is especially important for process-specific resources such as file descriptors, threads, and mutexes, which can be affected by the use of the fork system call in Ice::Service. For example, any files opened in main are automatically closed by Ice::Service and therefore unusable in your service, unless the daemon is started with the --noclose option.

Windows Services

On Windows, Ice::Service recognizes the following command-line options:

  • --service NAME
    Run as a Windows service named NAME, which must already be installed. This option is removed from the argument vector that is passed to the start member function.

Installing and configuring a Windows service is outside the scope of the Ice::Service class. Ice includes a utility for installing its services which you can use as a model for your own applications.

The Ice::Service class supports the Windows service control codes SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE and SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP. Upon receipt of SERVICE_CONTROL_STOPIce::Service invokes the shutdown member function.

Ice::Service Logging Considerations

A service that uses a custom logger has several ways of configuring it:

On Windows, Ice::Service installs its own logger that uses the Windows Application event log if no custom logger is defined. The source name for the event log is the service's name unless a different value is specified using the property Ice.EventLog.Source.

On Unix, the default Ice logger (which logs to the standard error output) is used when no other logger is configured. For daemons, this is not appropriate because the output will be lost. To change this, you can either implement a custom logger or set the Ice.UseSyslog property, which selects a logger implementation that logs to the syslog facility. Alternatively, you can set the Ice.LogFile property to write log messages to a file.

Note that Ice::Service may encounter errors before the communicator is initialized. In this situation, Ice::Service uses its default logger unless a process-wide logger is configured. Therefore, even if a failing service is configured to use a different logger implementation, you may find useful diagnostic information in the Application event log (on Windows) or sent to standard error (on Linux and macOS).

See Also

  • No labels