Documentation for Ice 3.4. The latest release is Ice 3.7. Refer to the space directory for other releases.

Here is the definition of our EmployeeMap once more:

dictionary<long, Employee> EmployeeMap;

The following code is generated for this definition:

typedef std::map<Ice::Long, Employee> EmployeeMap;

Again, there are no surprises here: a Slice dictionary simply maps to an STL map. As a result, you can use the dictionary like any other STL map, for example:

EmployeeMap em;
Employee e;

e.number = 42;
e.firstName = "Stan";
e.lastName = "Lippman";
em[e.number] = e;

e.number = 77;
e.firstName = "Herb";
e.lastName = "Sutter";
em[e.number] = e;

All the usual STL iterators and algorithms work with this map just as well as with any other STL container.

See Also
  • No labels