Ice 3.7 C++11 API Reference
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
IceGrid Namespace Reference


class  AccessDeniedException
 This exception is raised if a registry lock wasn't acquired or is already held by a session. More...
struct  AdapterDescriptor
 An Ice object adapter descriptor. More...
struct  AdapterDynamicInfo
 Dynamic information about the state of an adapter. More...
struct  AdapterInfo
 Information about an adapter registered with the IceGrid registry. More...
class  AdapterNotExistException
 This exception is raised if an adapter does not exist. More...
class  AdapterObserver
 This interface allows applications to monitor the state of object adapters that are registered with IceGrid. More...
class  AdapterObserverPrx
 This interface allows applications to monitor the state of object adapters that are registered with IceGrid. More...
class  AdaptiveLoadBalancingPolicy
 Adaptive load balancing policy. More...
class  Admin
 The IceGrid administrative interface. More...
class  AdminPrx
 The IceGrid administrative interface. More...
class  AdminSession
 Used by administrative clients to view, update, and receive observer updates from the IceGrid registry. More...
class  AdminSessionPrx
 Used by administrative clients to view, update, and receive observer updates from the IceGrid registry. More...
class  AllocationException
 This exception is raised if the allocation of an object failed. More...
class  AllocationTimeoutException
 This exception is raised if the request to allocate an object times out. More...
struct  ApplicationDescriptor
 An application descriptor. More...
struct  ApplicationInfo
 Information about an IceGrid application. More...
class  ApplicationNotExistException
 This exception is raised if an application does not exist. More...
class  ApplicationObserver
 The database observer interface. More...
class  ApplicationObserverPrx
 The database observer interface. More...
struct  ApplicationUpdateDescriptor
 An application update descriptor to describe the updates to apply to a deployed application. More...
struct  ApplicationUpdateInfo
 Information about updates to an IceGrid application. More...
class  BadSignalException
 This exception is raised if an unknown signal was sent to to a server. More...
class  BoxedDistributionDescriptor
 A "boxed" distribution descriptor. More...
class  BoxedString
 A "boxed" string. More...
class  CommunicatorDescriptor
 A communicator descriptor. More...
struct  DbEnvDescriptor
 A Freeze database environment descriptor. More...
class  DeploymentException
 An exception for deployment errors. More...
struct  DistributionDescriptor
 A distribution descriptor defines an IcePatch2 server and the directories to retrieve from the patch server. More...
class  FileIterator
 This interface provides access to IceGrid log file contents. More...
class  FileIteratorPrx
 This interface provides access to IceGrid log file contents. More...
class  FileNotAvailableException
 This exception is raised if a file is not available. More...
class  FileParser
 icegridadmin provides a FileParser object to transform XML files into ApplicationDescriptor objects. More...
class  FileParserPrx
 icegridadmin provides a FileParser object to transform XML files into ApplicationDescriptor objects. More...
class  IceBoxDescriptor
 An IceBox server descriptor. More...
class  LoadBalancingPolicy
 A base class for load balancing policies. More...
struct  LoadInfo
 Information about the load of a node. More...
class  Locator
 The IceGrid locator interface provides access to the Query and Registry object of the IceGrid registry. More...
class  LocatorPrx
 The IceGrid locator interface provides access to the Query and Registry object of the IceGrid registry. More...
struct  NodeDescriptor
 A node descriptor. More...
struct  NodeDynamicInfo
 Dynamic information about the state of a node. More...
struct  NodeInfo
 Information about an IceGrid node. More...
class  NodeNotExistException
 This exception is raised if a node does not exist. More...
class  NodeObserver
 The node observer interface. More...
class  NodeObserverPrx
 The node observer interface. More...
class  NodeUnreachableException
 This exception is raised if a node could not be reached. More...
struct  NodeUpdateDescriptor
 A node update descriptor to describe the updates to apply to a node of a deployed application. More...
struct  ObjectDescriptor
 An Ice object descriptor. More...
class  ObjectExistsException
 This exception is raised if an object already exists. More...
struct  ObjectInfo
 Information about an Ice object. More...
class  ObjectNotRegisteredException
 This exception is raised if an object is not registered. More...
class  ObjectObserver
 This interface allows applications to monitor IceGrid well-known objects. More...
class  ObjectObserverPrx
 This interface allows applications to monitor IceGrid well-known objects. More...
class  ObserverAlreadyRegisteredException
 This exception is raised if an observer is already registered with the registry. More...
class  OrderedLoadBalancingPolicy
 Ordered load balancing policy. More...
class  ParseException
 This exception is raised if an error occurs during parsing. More...
class  PatchException
 This exception is raised if a patch failed. More...
class  PermissionDeniedException
 This exception is raised if a client is denied the ability to create a session with IceGrid. More...
struct  PropertyDescriptor
 Property descriptor. More...
struct  PropertySetDescriptor
 A property set descriptor. More...
class  Query
 The IceGrid query interface. More...
class  QueryPrx
 The IceGrid query interface. More...
class  RandomLoadBalancingPolicy
 Random load balancing policy. More...
class  Registry
 The IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions directly with the registry. More...
struct  RegistryInfo
 Information about an IceGrid registry replica. More...
class  RegistryNotExistException
 This exception is raised if a registry does not exist. More...
class  RegistryObserver
 This interface allows applications to monitor changes the state of the registry. More...
class  RegistryObserverPrx
 This interface allows applications to monitor changes the state of the registry. More...
class  RegistryPluginFacade
 The RegistryPluginFacade is implemented by IceGrid and can be used by plugins and filter implementations to retrieve information from IceGrid about the well-known objects or adapters. More...
class  RegistryPrx
 The IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions directly with the registry. More...
class  RegistryUnreachableException
 This exception is raised if a registry could not be reached. More...
struct  ReplicaGroupDescriptor
 A replica group descriptor. More...
class  ReplicaGroupFilter
 The ReplicaGroupFilter is used by IceGrid to filter adapters returned to the client when it resolves a filtered replica group. More...
class  RoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicy
 Round robin load balancing policy. More...
class  ServerDescriptor
 An Ice server descriptor. More...
struct  ServerDynamicInfo
 Dynamic information about the state of a server. More...
struct  ServerInfo
 Information about a server managed by an IceGrid node. More...
struct  ServerInstanceDescriptor
 A server template instance descriptor. More...
class  ServerNotExistException
 This exception is raised if a server does not exist. More...
class  ServerStartException
 This exception is raised if a server failed to start. More...
class  ServerStopException
 This exception is raised if a server failed to stop. More...
class  ServerUnreachableException
 This exception is raised if a server could not be reached. More...
class  ServiceDescriptor
 An IceBox service descriptor. More...
struct  ServiceInstanceDescriptor
 A service template instance descriptor. More...
class  Session
 A session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and release objects. More...
class  SessionPrx
 A session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and release objects. More...
struct  TemplateDescriptor
 A template descriptor for server or service templates. More...
class  TypeFilter
 The TypeFilter is used by IceGrid to filter well-known proxies returned to the client when it searches a well-known object by type. More...
class  UserAccountMapper
 A user account mapper object is used by IceGrid nodes to map session identifiers to user accounts. More...
class  UserAccountMapperPrx
 A user account mapper object is used by IceGrid nodes to map session identifiers to user accounts. More...
class  UserAccountNotFoundException
 This exception is raised if a user account for a given session identifier can't be found. More...


using AdapterDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< AdapterDescriptor >
 A sequence of adapter descriptors. More...
using AdapterDynamicInfoSeq = ::std::vector< AdapterDynamicInfo >
 A sequence of adapter dynamic information structures. More...
using AdapterInfoSeq = ::std::vector< AdapterInfo >
 A sequence of adapter information structures. More...
using ApplicationDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< ApplicationDescriptor >
 A sequence of application descriptors. More...
using ApplicationInfoSeq = ::std::vector< ApplicationInfo >
 A sequence of ApplicationInfo structures. More...
using DbEnvDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< DbEnvDescriptor >
 A sequence of database environment descriptors. More...
using NodeDescriptorDict = ::std::map<::std::string, NodeDescriptor >
 Mapping of node name to node descriptor. More...
using NodeDynamicInfoSeq = ::std::vector< NodeDynamicInfo >
 A sequence of node dynamic information structures. More...
using NodeUpdateDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< NodeUpdateDescriptor >
 A sequence of node update descriptors. More...
using ObjectDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< ObjectDescriptor >
 A sequence of object descriptors. More...
using ObjectInfoSeq = ::std::vector< ObjectInfo >
 A sequence of object information structures. More...
using PropertyDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< PropertyDescriptor >
 A sequence of property descriptors. More...
using PropertySetDescriptorDict = ::std::map<::std::string, PropertySetDescriptor >
 A mapping of property set name to property set descriptor. More...
using RegistryInfoSeq = ::std::vector< RegistryInfo >
 A sequence of RegistryInfo structures. More...
using ReplicaGroupDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< ReplicaGroupDescriptor >
 A sequence of replica groups. More...
using ServerDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr< ServerDescriptor > >
 A sequence of server descriptors. More...
using ServerDynamicInfoSeq = ::std::vector< ServerDynamicInfo >
 A sequence of server dynamic information structures. More...
using ServerInstanceDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< ServerInstanceDescriptor >
 A sequence of server instance descriptors. More...
using ServiceDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr< ServiceDescriptor > >
 A sequence of service descriptors. More...
using ServiceInstanceDescriptorSeq = ::std::vector< ServiceInstanceDescriptor >
 A sequence of service instance descriptors. More...
using StringObjectProxyDict = ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::shared_ptr<::Ice::ObjectPrx > >
 A dictionary of proxies. More...
using StringStringDict = ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string >
 A mapping of string to string. More...
using TemplateDescriptorDict = ::std::map<::std::string, TemplateDescriptor >
 A mapping of template identifier to template descriptor. More...


enum  LoadSample : unsigned char { LoadSample::LoadSample1, LoadSample::LoadSample5, LoadSample::LoadSample15 }
 Determines which load sampling interval to use. More...
enum  ServerState : unsigned char {
  ServerState::Inactive, ServerState::Activating, ServerState::ActivationTimedOut, ServerState::Active,
  ServerState::Deactivating, ServerState::Destroying, ServerState::Destroyed
 An enumeration representing the state of the server. More...


ICEGRID_API RegistryPluginFacadePtr getRegistryPluginFacade ()
 Obtains the plug-in facade for the IceGrid registry. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ AdapterDescriptorSeq

using IceGrid::AdapterDescriptorSeq = typedef ::std::vector<AdapterDescriptor>

A sequence of adapter descriptors.

◆ AdapterDynamicInfoSeq

using IceGrid::AdapterDynamicInfoSeq = typedef ::std::vector<AdapterDynamicInfo>

A sequence of adapter dynamic information structures.

◆ AdapterInfoSeq

using IceGrid::AdapterInfoSeq = typedef ::std::vector<AdapterInfo>

A sequence of adapter information structures.

◆ ApplicationDescriptorSeq

A sequence of application descriptors.

◆ ApplicationInfoSeq

using IceGrid::ApplicationInfoSeq = typedef ::std::vector<ApplicationInfo>

A sequence of ApplicationInfo structures.

◆ DbEnvDescriptorSeq

using IceGrid::DbEnvDescriptorSeq = typedef ::std::vector<DbEnvDescriptor>

A sequence of database environment descriptors.

◆ NodeDescriptorDict

using IceGrid::NodeDescriptorDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, NodeDescriptor>

Mapping of node name to node descriptor.

◆ NodeDynamicInfoSeq

using IceGrid::NodeDynamicInfoSeq = typedef ::std::vector<NodeDynamicInfo>

A sequence of node dynamic information structures.

◆ NodeUpdateDescriptorSeq

A sequence of node update descriptors.

◆ ObjectDescriptorSeq

using IceGrid::ObjectDescriptorSeq = typedef ::std::vector<ObjectDescriptor>

A sequence of object descriptors.

◆ ObjectInfoSeq

using IceGrid::ObjectInfoSeq = typedef ::std::vector<ObjectInfo>

A sequence of object information structures.

◆ PropertyDescriptorSeq

using IceGrid::PropertyDescriptorSeq = typedef ::std::vector<PropertyDescriptor>

A sequence of property descriptors.

◆ PropertySetDescriptorDict

using IceGrid::PropertySetDescriptorDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, PropertySetDescriptor>

A mapping of property set name to property set descriptor.

◆ RegistryInfoSeq

using IceGrid::RegistryInfoSeq = typedef ::std::vector<RegistryInfo>

A sequence of RegistryInfo structures.

◆ ReplicaGroupDescriptorSeq

A sequence of replica groups.

◆ ServerDescriptorSeq

using IceGrid::ServerDescriptorSeq = typedef ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<ServerDescriptor> >

A sequence of server descriptors.

◆ ServerDynamicInfoSeq

using IceGrid::ServerDynamicInfoSeq = typedef ::std::vector<ServerDynamicInfo>

A sequence of server dynamic information structures.

◆ ServerInstanceDescriptorSeq

A sequence of server instance descriptors.

◆ ServiceDescriptorSeq

using IceGrid::ServiceDescriptorSeq = typedef ::std::vector<::std::shared_ptr<ServiceDescriptor> >

A sequence of service descriptors.

◆ ServiceInstanceDescriptorSeq

A sequence of service instance descriptors.

◆ StringObjectProxyDict

using IceGrid::StringObjectProxyDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::shared_ptr<::Ice::ObjectPrx> >

A dictionary of proxies.

◆ StringStringDict

using IceGrid::StringStringDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, ::std::string>

A mapping of string to string.

◆ TemplateDescriptorDict

using IceGrid::TemplateDescriptorDict = typedef ::std::map<::std::string, TemplateDescriptor>

A mapping of template identifier to template descriptor.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LoadSample

enum IceGrid::LoadSample : unsigned char

Determines which load sampling interval to use.


Sample every minute.


Sample every five minutes.


Sample every fifteen minutes.

◆ ServerState

enum IceGrid::ServerState : unsigned char

An enumeration representing the state of the server.


The server is not running.


The server is being activated and will change to the active state when the registered server object adapters are activated or to the activation timed out state if the activation timeout expires.


The activation timed out state indicates that the server activation timed out.


The server is running.


The server is being deactivated.


The server is being destroyed.


The server is destroyed.

Function Documentation

◆ getRegistryPluginFacade()

ICEGRID_API RegistryPluginFacadePtr IceGrid::getRegistryPluginFacade ( )

Obtains the plug-in facade for the IceGrid registry.

The plug-in facade.