Interface RegistryPrx

All Superinterfaces:

public interface RegistryPrx extends ObjectPrx
The IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions directly with the registry.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createSession

      default SessionPrx createSession(String userId, String password) throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create a client session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createSession

      default SessionPrx createSession(String userId, String password, Map<String,String> context) throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create a client session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createSessionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<SessionPrx> createSessionAsync(String userId, String password)
      Create a client session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • createSessionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<SessionPrx> createSessionAsync(String userId, String password, Map<String,String> context)
      Create a client session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • createAdminSession

      default AdminSessionPrx createAdminSession(String userId, String password) throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create an administrative session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createAdminSession

      default AdminSessionPrx createAdminSession(String userId, String password, Map<String,String> context) throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create an administrative session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createAdminSessionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<AdminSessionPrx> createAdminSessionAsync(String userId, String password)
      Create an administrative session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • createAdminSessionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<AdminSessionPrx> createAdminSessionAsync(String userId, String password, Map<String,String> context)
      Create an administrative session.
      userId - The user id.
      password - The password for the given user id.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • createSessionFromSecureConnection

      default SessionPrx createSessionFromSecureConnection() throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create a client session from a secure connection.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createSessionFromSecureConnection

      default SessionPrx createSessionFromSecureConnection(Map<String,String> context) throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create a client session from a secure connection.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<SessionPrx> createSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync()
      Create a client session from a secure connection.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • createSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<SessionPrx> createSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Create a client session from a secure connection.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • createAdminSessionFromSecureConnection

      default AdminSessionPrx createAdminSessionFromSecureConnection() throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create an administrative session from a secure connection.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createAdminSessionFromSecureConnection

      default AdminSessionPrx createAdminSessionFromSecureConnection(Map<String,String> context) throws PermissionDeniedException
      Create an administrative session from a secure connection.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
      PermissionDeniedException - Raised if the password for the given user id is not correct, or if the user is not allowed access.
    • createAdminSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<AdminSessionPrx> createAdminSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync()
      Create an administrative session from a secure connection.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • createAdminSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync

      default CompletableFuture<AdminSessionPrx> createAdminSessionFromSecureConnectionAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Create an administrative session from a secure connection.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for the newly created session.
    • getSessionTimeout

      default int getSessionTimeout()
      Get the session timeout. If a client or administrative client doesn't call the session keepAlive method in the time interval defined by this timeout, IceGrid might reap the session.
      The timeout (in seconds).
      See Also:
    • getSessionTimeout

      default int getSessionTimeout(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the session timeout. If a client or administrative client doesn't call the session keepAlive method in the time interval defined by this timeout, IceGrid might reap the session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The timeout (in seconds).
      See Also:
    • getSessionTimeoutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Integer> getSessionTimeoutAsync()
      Get the session timeout. If a client or administrative client doesn't call the session keepAlive method in the time interval defined by this timeout, IceGrid might reap the session.
      The timeout (in seconds).
      See Also:
    • getSessionTimeoutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Integer> getSessionTimeoutAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the session timeout. If a client or administrative client doesn't call the session keepAlive method in the time interval defined by this timeout, IceGrid might reap the session.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The timeout (in seconds).
      See Also:
    • getACMTimeout

      default int getACMTimeout()
      Get the value of the ACM timeout. Clients supporting ACM connection heartbeats can enable them instead of explicitly sending keep alives requests. NOTE: This method is only available since Ice 3.6.
      The timeout (in seconds).
    • getACMTimeout

      default int getACMTimeout(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the value of the ACM timeout. Clients supporting ACM connection heartbeats can enable them instead of explicitly sending keep alives requests. NOTE: This method is only available since Ice 3.6.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The timeout (in seconds).
    • getACMTimeoutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Integer> getACMTimeoutAsync()
      Get the value of the ACM timeout. Clients supporting ACM connection heartbeats can enable them instead of explicitly sending keep alives requests. NOTE: This method is only available since Ice 3.6.
      The timeout (in seconds).
    • getACMTimeoutAsync

      default CompletableFuture<Integer> getACMTimeoutAsync(Map<String,String> context)
      Get the value of the ACM timeout. Clients supporting ACM connection heartbeats can enable them instead of explicitly sending keep alives requests. NOTE: This method is only available since Ice 3.6.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      The timeout (in seconds).
    • checkedCast

      static RegistryPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • checkedCast

      static RegistryPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj, Map<String,String> context)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • checkedCast

      static RegistryPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj, String facet)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      facet - The name of the desired facet.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • checkedCast

      static RegistryPrx checkedCast(ObjectPrx obj, String facet, Map<String,String> context)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      facet - The name of the desired facet.
      context - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
    • uncheckedCast

      static RegistryPrx uncheckedCast(ObjectPrx obj)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      A proxy for this type.
    • uncheckedCast

      static RegistryPrx uncheckedCast(ObjectPrx obj, String facet)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      obj - The untyped proxy.
      facet - The name of the desired facet.
      A proxy for this type.
    • ice_context

      default RegistryPrx ice_context(Map<String,String> newContext)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the per-proxy context.
      Specified by:
      ice_context in interface ObjectPrx
      newContext - The context for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified per-proxy context.
    • ice_adapterId

      default RegistryPrx ice_adapterId(String newAdapterId)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the adapter ID.
      Specified by:
      ice_adapterId in interface ObjectPrx
      newAdapterId - The adapter ID for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified adapter ID.
    • ice_endpoints

      default RegistryPrx ice_endpoints(Endpoint[] newEndpoints)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoints.
      Specified by:
      ice_endpoints in interface ObjectPrx
      newEndpoints - The endpoints for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified endpoints.
    • ice_locatorCacheTimeout

      default RegistryPrx ice_locatorCacheTimeout(int newTimeout)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator cache timeout.
      Specified by:
      ice_locatorCacheTimeout in interface ObjectPrx
      newTimeout - The new locator cache timeout (in seconds).
      A proxy with the specified locator cache timeout.
      See Also:
    • ice_invocationTimeout

      default RegistryPrx ice_invocationTimeout(int newTimeout)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the invocation timeout.
      Specified by:
      ice_invocationTimeout in interface ObjectPrx
      newTimeout - The new invocation timeout (in seconds).
      A proxy with the specified invocation timeout.
    • ice_connectionCached

      default RegistryPrx ice_connectionCached(boolean newCache)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for connection caching.
      Specified by:
      ice_connectionCached in interface ObjectPrx
      newCache - true if the new proxy should cache connections; false otherwise.
      A proxy with the specified caching policy.
    • ice_endpointSelection

      default RegistryPrx ice_endpointSelection(EndpointSelectionType newType)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoint selection policy.
      Specified by:
      ice_endpointSelection in interface ObjectPrx
      newType - The new endpoint selection policy.
      A proxy with the specified endpoint selection policy.
      See Also:
    • ice_secure

      default RegistryPrx ice_secure(boolean b)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for how it selects endpoints.
      Specified by:
      ice_secure in interface ObjectPrx
      b - If b is true, only endpoints that use a secure transport are used by the new proxy. If b is false, the returned proxy uses both secure and insecure endpoints.
      A proxy with the specified selection policy.
    • ice_encodingVersion

      default RegistryPrx ice_encodingVersion(EncodingVersion e)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the encoding used to marshal parameters.
      Specified by:
      ice_encodingVersion in interface ObjectPrx
      e - The encoding version to use to marshal request parameters.
      A proxy with the specified encoding version.
    • ice_preferSecure

      default RegistryPrx ice_preferSecure(boolean b)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its endpoint selection policy.
      Specified by:
      ice_preferSecure in interface ObjectPrx
      b - If b is true, the new proxy will use secure endpoints for invocations and only use insecure endpoints if an invocation cannot be made via secure endpoints. If b is false, the proxy prefers insecure endpoints to secure ones.
      A proxy with the specified selection policy.
    • ice_router

      default RegistryPrx ice_router(RouterPrx router)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the router.
      Specified by:
      ice_router in interface ObjectPrx
      router - The router for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified router.
    • ice_locator

      default RegistryPrx ice_locator(LocatorPrx locator)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator.
      Specified by:
      ice_locator in interface ObjectPrx
      locator - The locator for the new proxy.
      A proxy with the specified locator.
    • ice_collocationOptimized

      default RegistryPrx ice_collocationOptimized(boolean b)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for collocation optimization.
      Specified by:
      ice_collocationOptimized in interface ObjectPrx
      b - true if the new proxy enables collocation optimization; false otherwise.
      A proxy with the specified collocation optimization.
    • ice_twoway

      default RegistryPrx ice_twoway()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses twoway invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_twoway in interface ObjectPrx
      A proxy that uses twoway invocations.
    • ice_oneway

      default RegistryPrx ice_oneway()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses oneway invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_oneway in interface ObjectPrx
      A proxy that uses oneway invocations.
    • ice_batchOneway

      default RegistryPrx ice_batchOneway()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch oneway invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_batchOneway in interface ObjectPrx
      A proxy that uses batch oneway invocations.
    • ice_datagram

      default RegistryPrx ice_datagram()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses datagram invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_datagram in interface ObjectPrx
      A proxy that uses datagram invocations.
    • ice_batchDatagram

      default RegistryPrx ice_batchDatagram()
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch datagram invocations.
      Specified by:
      ice_batchDatagram in interface ObjectPrx
      A proxy that uses batch datagram invocations.
    • ice_compress

      default RegistryPrx ice_compress(boolean co)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for compression.
      Specified by:
      ice_compress in interface ObjectPrx
      co - true enables compression for the new proxy; false disables compression.
      A proxy with the specified compression setting.
    • ice_timeout

      default RegistryPrx ice_timeout(int t)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its connection timeout setting.
      Specified by:
      ice_timeout in interface ObjectPrx
      t - The connection timeout for the proxy in milliseconds.
      A proxy with the specified timeout.
    • ice_connectionId

      default RegistryPrx ice_connectionId(String connectionId)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its connection ID.
      Specified by:
      ice_connectionId in interface ObjectPrx
      connectionId - The connection ID for the new proxy. An empty string removes the connection ID.
      A proxy with the specified connection ID.
    • ice_fixed

      default RegistryPrx ice_fixed(Connection connection)
      Returns a proxy that is identical to this proxy, except it's a fixed proxy bound the given connection.@param connection The fixed proxy connection.
      Specified by:
      ice_fixed in interface ObjectPrx
      connection - The fixed proxy connection.
      A fixed proxy bound to the given connection.
    • ice_staticId

      static String ice_staticId()
      Description copied from interface: ObjectPrx
      Returns the Slice type ID associated with this type.
      The Slice type ID.