Ice 3.7 Slice API Reference
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Class List
Here are the classes with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 MIceThe Ice core library
 CConnectionInfoBase class providing access to the connection details
 CEndpointInfoBase class providing access to the endpoint details
 CIPConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of an IP connection
 CIPEndpointInfoProvides access to the address details of a IP endpoint
 COpaqueEndpointInfoProvides access to the details of an opaque endpoint
 CTCPConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of a TCP connection
 CTCPEndpointInfoProvides access to a TCP endpoint information
 CUDPConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of a UDP connection
 CUDPEndpointInfoProvides access to an UDP endpoint information
 CWSConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of a WebSocket connection
 CWSEndpointInfoProvides access to a WebSocket endpoint information
 MIceBTIceBT provides a Bluetooth transport for Ice
 CConnectionInfoProvides access to the details of a Bluetooth connection
 CEndpointInfoProvides access to Bluetooth endpoint information
 CAdaptiveLoadBalancingPolicyAdaptive load balancing policy
 CBoxedDistributionDescriptorA "boxed" distribution descriptor
 CBoxedStringA "boxed" string
 CCommunicatorDescriptorA communicator descriptor
 CIceBoxDescriptorAn IceBox server descriptor
 CLoadBalancingPolicyA base class for load balancing policies
 COrderedLoadBalancingPolicyOrdered load balancing policy
 CRandomLoadBalancingPolicyRandom load balancing policy
 CRoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicyRound robin load balancing policy
 CServerDescriptorAn Ice server descriptor
 CServiceDescriptorAn IceBox service descriptor
 MIceIAPIceIAP provides a secure transport for Ice
 CConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of an IAP connection
 CEndpointInfoProvides access to an IAP endpoint information
 MIceMXThe Ice Management eXtension facility
 CChildInvocationMetricsProvides information on child invocations
 CCollocatedMetricsProvides information on invocations that are collocated
 CConnectionMetricsProvides information on the data sent and received over Ice connections
 CDispatchMetricsProvides information on servant dispatch
 CInvocationMetricsProvide measurements for proxy invocations
 CMetricsThe base class for metrics
 CRemoteMetricsProvides information on invocations that are specifically sent over Ice connections
 CSessionMetricsProvides information on Glacier2 sessions
 CSubscriberMetricsProvides information on IceStorm subscribers
 CThreadMetricsProvides information on the number of threads currently in use and their activity
 CTopicMetricsProvides information on IceStorm topics
 MIceSSLIceSSL provides a secure transport for Ice
 CConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of an SSL connection
 CEndpointInfoProvides access to an SSL endpoint information