Ice 3.7 Slice API Reference
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Struct List
Here are the structs with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 MGlacier2Glacier2 is a firewall solution for Ice
 SSSLInfoInformation taken from an SSL connection used for permissions verification
 MIceThe Ice core library
 SACMA collection of Active Connection Management configuration settings
 SCurrentInformation about the current method invocation for servers
 SEncodingVersionA version structure for the encoding version
 SIdentityThe identity of an Ice object
 SLogMessageA complete log message
 SProtocolVersionA version structure for the protocol version
 SAdapterDescriptorAn Ice object adapter descriptor
 SAdapterDynamicInfoDynamic information about the state of an adapter
 SAdapterInfoInformation about an adapter registered with the IceGrid registry
 SApplicationDescriptorAn application descriptor
 SApplicationInfoInformation about an IceGrid application
 SApplicationUpdateDescriptorAn application update descriptor to describe the updates to apply to a deployed application
 SApplicationUpdateInfoInformation about updates to an IceGrid application
 SDbEnvDescriptorA Freeze database environment descriptor
 SDistributionDescriptorA distribution descriptor defines an IcePatch2 server and the directories to retrieve from the patch server
 SLoadInfoInformation about the load of a node
 SNodeDescriptorA node descriptor
 SNodeDynamicInfoDynamic information about the state of a node
 SNodeInfoInformation about an IceGrid node
 SNodeUpdateDescriptorA node update descriptor to describe the updates to apply to a node of a deployed application
 SObjectDescriptorAn Ice object descriptor
 SObjectInfoInformation about an Ice object
 SPropertyDescriptorProperty descriptor
 SPropertySetDescriptorA property set descriptor
 SRegistryInfoInformation about an IceGrid registry replica
 SReplicaGroupDescriptorA replica group descriptor
 SServerDynamicInfoDynamic information about the state of a server
 SServerInfoInformation about a server managed by an IceGrid node
 SServerInstanceDescriptorA server template instance descriptor
 SServiceInstanceDescriptorA service template instance descriptor
 STemplateDescriptorA template descriptor for server or service templates
 MIceMXThe Ice Management eXtension facility
 SMetricsFailuresA structure to keep track of failures associated with a given metrics
 MIcePatch2IcePatch can be used to update file hierarchies in a simple and efficient manner
 SFileInfoBasic information about a single file
 SLargeFileInfoBasic information about a single file
 MIceStormA messaging service with support for federation
 SLinkInfoInformation on the topic links