►MGlacier2 | Glacier2 is a firewall solution for Ice |
ECannotCreateSessionException | This exception is raised if an attempt to create a new session failed |
EPermissionDeniedException | This exception is raised if a client is denied the ability to create a session with the router |
ESessionNotExistException | This exception is raised if a client tries to destroy a session with a router, but no session exists for the client |
►MIce | The Ice core library |
EAdapterAlreadyActiveException | This exception is raised if a server tries to set endpoints for an adapter that is already active |
EAdapterNotFoundException | This exception is raised if an adapter cannot be found |
EAlreadyRegisteredException | An attempt was made to register something more than once with the Ice run time |
EBadMagicException | This exception indicates that a message did not start with the expected magic number ('I', 'c', 'e', 'P') |
ECFNetworkException | This exception indicates CFNetwork errors |
ECloneNotImplementedException | An attempt was made to clone a class that does not support cloning |
ECloseConnectionException | This exception indicates that the connection has been gracefully shut down by the server |
ECloseTimeoutException | This exception indicates a connection closure timeout condition |
ECollocationOptimizationException | This exception is raised if a feature is requested that is not supported with collocation optimization |
ECommunicatorDestroyedException | This exception is raised if the Communicator has been destroyed |
ECompressionException | This exception indicates a problem with compressing or uncompressing data |
EConnectFailedException | This exception indicates connection failures |
EConnectionLostException | This exception indicates a lost connection |
EConnectionManuallyClosedException | This exception is raised by an operation call if the application closes the connection locally using Connection#close |
EConnectionNotValidatedException | This exception is raised if a message is received over a connection that is not yet validated |
EConnectionRefusedException | This exception indicates a connection failure for which the server host actively refuses a connection |
EConnectionTimeoutException | This exception indicates that a connection has been shut down because it has been idle for some time |
EConnectTimeoutException | This exception indicates a connection establishment timeout condition |
EDatagramLimitException | A datagram exceeds the configured size |
EDNSException | This exception indicates a DNS problem |
EEncapsulationException | This exception indicates a malformed data encapsulation |
EEndpointParseException | This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an endpoint |
EEndpointSelectionTypeParseException | This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an endpoint selection type |
EFacetNotExistException | This exception is raised if no facet with the given name exists, but at least one facet with the given identity exists |
EFeatureNotSupportedException | This exception is raised if an unsupported feature is used |
EFileException | This exception indicates file errors |
EFixedProxyException | This exception indicates that an attempt has been made to change the connection properties of a fixed proxy |
EIdentityParseException | This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a stringified identity |
EIllegalIdentityException | This exception is raised if an illegal identity is encountered |
EIllegalMessageSizeException | This exception indicates that a message size is less than the minimum required size |
EIllegalServantException | This exception is raised to reject an illegal servant (typically a null servant) |
EInitializationException | This exception is raised when a failure occurs during initialization |
EInvalidReplicaGroupIdException | This exception is raised if the replica group provided by the server is invalid |
EInvocationCanceledException | This exception indicates that an asynchronous invocation failed because it was canceled explicitly by the user |
EInvocationTimeoutException | This exception indicates that an invocation failed because it timed out |
EMarshalException | This exception is raised for errors during marshaling or unmarshaling data |
EMemoryLimitException | This exception is raised when Ice receives a request or reply message whose size exceeds the limit specified by the Ice.MessageSizeMax property |
ENoEndpointException | This exception is raised if no suitable endpoint is available |
ENotRegisteredException | An attempt was made to find or deregister something that is not registered with the Ice run time or Ice locator |
ENoValueFactoryException | This exception is raised if no suitable value factory was found during unmarshaling of a Slice class instance |
EObjectAdapterDeactivatedException | This exception is raised if an attempt is made to use a deactivated ObjectAdapter |
EObjectAdapterIdInUseException | This exception is raised if an ObjectAdapter cannot be activated |
EObjectNotExistException | This exception is raised if an object does not exist on the server, that is, if no facets with the given identity exist |
EObjectNotFoundException | This exception is raised if an object cannot be found |
EOperationInterruptedException | This exception indicates a request was interrupted |
EOperationNotExistException | This exception is raised if an operation for a given object does not exist on the server |
EPluginInitializationException | This exception indicates that a failure occurred while initializing a plug-in |
EProtocolException | A generic exception base for all kinds of protocol error conditions |
EProxyParseException | This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a stringified proxy |
EProxyUnmarshalException | This exception is raised if inconsistent data is received while unmarshaling a proxy |
ERemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException | Thrown when the provided RemoteLogger was previously attached to a LoggerAdmin |
ERequestFailedException | This exception is raised if a request failed |
EResponseSentException | Indicates that the response to a request has already been sent; re-dispatching such a request is not possible |
ESecurityException | This exception indicates a failure in a security subsystem, such as the IceSSL plug-in |
EServerNotFoundException | This exception is raised if a server cannot be found |
ESocketException | This exception indicates socket errors |
EStringConversionException | This exception is raised when a string conversion to or from UTF-8 fails during marshaling or unmarshaling |
ESyscallException | This exception is raised if a system error occurred in the server or client process |
ETimeoutException | This exception indicates a timeout condition |
ETwowayOnlyException | The operation can only be invoked with a twoway request |
EUnexpectedObjectException | This exception is raised if the type of an unmarshaled Slice class instance does not match its expected type |
EUnknownException | This exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises an unknown exception |
EUnknownLocalException | This exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises a local exception |
EUnknownMessageException | This exception indicates that an unknown protocol message has been received |
EUnknownReplyStatusException | This exception indicates that an unknown reply status has been received |
EUnknownRequestIdException | This exception indicates that a response for an unknown request ID has been received |
EUnknownUserException | An operation raised an incorrect user exception |
EUnmarshalOutOfBoundsException | This exception is raised if an out-of-bounds condition occurs during unmarshaling |
EUnsupportedEncodingException | This exception indicates an unsupported data encoding version |
EUnsupportedProtocolException | This exception indicates an unsupported protocol version |
EVersionMismatchException | This exception is raised if the Ice library version does not match the version in the Ice header files |
EVersionParseException | This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a version |
►MIceBox | IceBox is an application server specifically for Ice applications |
EAlreadyStartedException | This exception is thrown if an attempt is made to start an already-started service |
EAlreadyStoppedException | This exception is thrown if an attempt is made to stop an already-stopped service |
EFailureException | This exception is a general failure notification |
ENoSuchServiceException | This exception is thrown if a service name does not refer to an existing service |
►MIceBT | IceBT provides a Bluetooth transport for Ice |
EBluetoothException | Indicates a failure in the Bluetooth plug-in |
►MIceGrid | |
EAccessDeniedException | This exception is raised if a registry lock wasn't acquired or is already held by a session |
EAdapterNotExistException | This exception is raised if an adapter does not exist |
EAllocationException | This exception is raised if the allocation of an object failed |
EAllocationTimeoutException | This exception is raised if the request to allocate an object times out |
EApplicationNotExistException | This exception is raised if an application does not exist |
EBadSignalException | This exception is raised if an unknown signal was sent to to a server |
EDeploymentException | An exception for deployment errors |
EFileNotAvailableException | This exception is raised if a file is not available |
ENodeNotExistException | This exception is raised if a node does not exist |
ENodeUnreachableException | This exception is raised if a node could not be reached |
EObjectExistsException | This exception is raised if an object already exists |
EObjectNotRegisteredException | This exception is raised if an object is not registered |
EObserverAlreadyRegisteredException | This exception is raised if an observer is already registered with the registry |
EParseException | This exception is raised if an error occurs during parsing |
EPatchException | This exception is raised if a patch failed |
EPermissionDeniedException | This exception is raised if a client is denied the ability to create a session with IceGrid |
ERegistryNotExistException | This exception is raised if a registry does not exist |
ERegistryUnreachableException | This exception is raised if a registry could not be reached |
EServerNotExistException | This exception is raised if a server does not exist |
EServerStartException | This exception is raised if a server failed to start |
EServerStopException | This exception is raised if a server failed to stop |
EServerUnreachableException | This exception is raised if a server could not be reached |
EUserAccountNotFoundException | This exception is raised if a user account for a given session identifier can't be found |
►MIceMX | The Ice Management eXtension facility |
EUnknownMetricsView | Raised if a metrics view cannot be found |
►MIcePatch2 | IcePatch can be used to update file hierarchies in a simple and efficient manner |
EFileAccessException | This exception is raised if a file's contents cannot be read |
EFileSizeRangeException | This exception is raised if an operation tries to use a file whose size is larger than 2.1 GB |
EPartitionOutOfRangeException | A partition argument was not in the range 0-255 |
►MIceStorm | A messaging service with support for federation |
EAlreadySubscribed | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to subscribe a proxy for which a subscription already exists |
EBadQoS | This exception indicates that a subscription failed due to an invalid QoS |
EInvalidSubscriber | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to subscribe a proxy that is null |
ELinkExists | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to create a link that already exists |
ENoSuchLink | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to remove a link that does not exist |
ENoSuchTopic | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to retrieve a topic that does not exist |
ETopicExists | This exception indicates that an attempt was made to create a topic that already exists |