Ice 3.7 Slice API Reference
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Interface List
Here are the interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 MGlacier2Glacier2 is a firewall solution for Ice
 IIdentitySetAn object for managing the set of object identity constraints on a Session
 IPermissionsVerifierThe Glacier2 permissions verifier
 IRouterThe Glacier2 specialization of the Ice::Router interface
 ISessionA client-visible session object, which is tied to the lifecycle of a Router
 ISessionControlAn administrative session control object, which is tied to the lifecycle of a Session
 ISessionManagerThe session manager for username/password authenticated users that is responsible for managing Session objects
 ISSLPermissionsVerifierThe SSL Glacier2 permissions verifier
 ISSLSessionManagerThe session manager for SSL authenticated users that is responsible for managing Session objects
 IStringSetAn object for managing the set of identity constraints for specific parts of object identity on a Session
 MIceThe Ice core library
 MInstrumentationThe Instrumentation local interfaces enable observing a number of Ice core internal components (threads, connections, etc)
 IChildInvocationObserverThe child invocation observer to instrument remote or collocated invocations
 ICollocatedObserverThe collocated observer to instrument invocations that are collocated
 ICommunicatorObserverThe communicator observer interface used by the Ice run-time to obtain and update observers for its observable objects
 IConnectionObserverThe connection observer interface to instrument Ice connections
 IDispatchObserverThe dispatch observer to instrument servant dispatch
 IInvocationObserverThe invocation observer to instrument invocations on proxies
 IObserverThe object observer interface used by instrumented objects to notify the observer of their existence
 IObserverUpdaterThe observer updater interface
 IRemoteObserverThe remote observer to instrument invocations that are sent over the wire
 IThreadObserverThe thread observer interface to instrument Ice threads
 ICloseCallbackAn application can implement this interface to receive notifications when a connection closes
 ICommunicatorThe central object in Ice
 IConnectionThe user-level interface to a connection
 IEndpointThe user-level interface to an endpoint
 IHeartbeatCallbackAn application can implement this interface to receive notifications when a connection receives a heartbeat message
 IImplicitContextAn interface to associate implict contexts with communicators
 ILocatorThe Ice locator interface
 ILocatorFinderThis inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Locator interface
 ILocatorRegistryThe Ice locator registry interface
 ILoggerThe Ice message logger
 ILoggerAdminThe interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator
 IObjectAdapterThe object adapter provides an up-call interface from the Ice run time to the implementation of Ice objects
 IObjectFactoryA factory for objects
 IPluginA communicator plug-in
 IPluginManagerEach communicator has a plug-in manager to administer the set of plug-ins
 IProcessAn administrative interface for process management
 IPropertiesA property set used to configure Ice and Ice applications
 IPropertiesAdminThe PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties of a communicator
 IRemoteLoggerThe Ice remote logger interface
 IRouterThe Ice router interface
 IRouterFinderThis inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Router interface
 IServantLocatorA servant locator is called by an object adapter to locate a servant that is not found in its active servant map
 IValueFactoryA factory for values
 IValueFactoryManagerA value factory manager maintains a collection of value factories
 MIceBoxIceBox is an application server specifically for Ice applications
 IServiceAn application service managed by a ServiceManager
 IServiceManagerAdministers a set of Service instances
 IServiceObserverAn Observer interface implemented by admin clients interested in the status of services
 IAdapterObserverThis interface allows applications to monitor the state of object adapters that are registered with IceGrid
 IAdminThe IceGrid administrative interface
 IAdminSessionUsed by administrative clients to view, update, and receive observer updates from the IceGrid registry
 IApplicationObserverThe database observer interface
 IFileIteratorThis interface provides access to IceGrid log file contents
 IFileParsericegridadmin provides a FileParser object to transform XML files into ApplicationDescriptor objects
 ILocatorThe IceGrid locator interface provides access to the Query and Registry object of the IceGrid registry
 INodeObserverThe node observer interface
 IObjectObserverThis interface allows applications to monitor IceGrid well-known objects
 IQueryThe IceGrid query interface
 IRegistryThe IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions directly with the registry
 IRegistryObserverThis interface allows applications to monitor changes the state of the registry
 IRegistryPluginFacadeThe RegistryPluginFacade is implemented by IceGrid and can be used by plugins and filter implementations to retrieve information from IceGrid about the well-known objects or adapters
 IReplicaGroupFilterThe ReplicaGroupFilter is used by IceGrid to filter adapters returned to the client when it resolves a filtered replica group
 ISessionA session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and release objects
 ITypeFilterThe TypeFilter is used by IceGrid to filter well-known proxies returned to the client when it searches a well-known object by type
 IUserAccountMapperA user account mapper object is used by IceGrid nodes to map session identifiers to user accounts
 MIceMXThe Ice Management eXtension facility
 IMetricsAdminThe metrics administrative facet interface
 MIcePatch2IcePatch can be used to update file hierarchies in a simple and efficient manner
 IFileServerThe interface that provides access to files
 MIceStormA messaging service with support for federation
 IFinderThis inferface is advertised by the IceStorm service through the Ice object with the identity `IceStorm/Finder'
 ITopicPublishers publish information on a particular topic
 ITopicManagerA topic manager manages topics, and subscribers to topics