▼MGlacier2 | Glacier2 is a firewall solution for Ice |
IIdentitySet | An object for managing the set of object identity constraints on a Session |
IPermissionsVerifier | The Glacier2 permissions verifier |
IRouter | The Glacier2 specialization of the Ice::Router interface |
ISession | A client-visible session object, which is tied to the lifecycle of a Router |
ISessionControl | An administrative session control object, which is tied to the lifecycle of a Session |
ISessionManager | The session manager for username/password authenticated users that is responsible for managing Session objects |
ISSLPermissionsVerifier | The SSL Glacier2 permissions verifier |
ISSLSessionManager | The session manager for SSL authenticated users that is responsible for managing Session objects |
IStringSet | An object for managing the set of identity constraints for specific parts of object identity on a Session |
▼MIce | The Ice core library |
▼MInstrumentation | The Instrumentation local interfaces enable observing a number of Ice core internal components (threads, connections, etc) |
IChildInvocationObserver | The child invocation observer to instrument remote or collocated invocations |
ICollocatedObserver | The collocated observer to instrument invocations that are collocated |
ICommunicatorObserver | The communicator observer interface used by the Ice run-time to obtain and update observers for its observable objects |
IConnectionObserver | The connection observer interface to instrument Ice connections |
IDispatchObserver | The dispatch observer to instrument servant dispatch |
IInvocationObserver | The invocation observer to instrument invocations on proxies |
IObserver | The object observer interface used by instrumented objects to notify the observer of their existence |
IObserverUpdater | The observer updater interface |
IRemoteObserver | The remote observer to instrument invocations that are sent over the wire |
IThreadObserver | The thread observer interface to instrument Ice threads |
ICloseCallback | An application can implement this interface to receive notifications when a connection closes |
ICommunicator | The central object in Ice |
IConnection | The user-level interface to a connection |
IEndpoint | The user-level interface to an endpoint |
IHeartbeatCallback | An application can implement this interface to receive notifications when a connection receives a heartbeat message |
IImplicitContext | An interface to associate implict contexts with communicators |
ILocator | The Ice locator interface |
ILocatorFinder | This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Locator interface |
ILocatorRegistry | The Ice locator registry interface |
ILogger | The Ice message logger |
ILoggerAdmin | The interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator |
IObjectAdapter | The object adapter provides an up-call interface from the Ice run time to the implementation of Ice objects |
IObjectFactory | A factory for objects |
IPlugin | A communicator plug-in |
IPluginManager | Each communicator has a plug-in manager to administer the set of plug-ins |
IProcess | An administrative interface for process management |
IProperties | A property set used to configure Ice and Ice applications |
IPropertiesAdmin | The PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties of a communicator |
IRemoteLogger | The Ice remote logger interface |
IRouter | The Ice router interface |
IRouterFinder | This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the Ice::Router interface |
IServantLocator | A servant locator is called by an object adapter to locate a servant that is not found in its active servant map |
IValueFactory | A factory for values |
IValueFactoryManager | A value factory manager maintains a collection of value factories |
▼MIceBox | IceBox is an application server specifically for Ice applications |
IService | An application service managed by a ServiceManager |
IServiceManager | Administers a set of Service instances |
IServiceObserver | An Observer interface implemented by admin clients interested in the status of services |
▼MIceGrid | |
IAdapterObserver | This interface allows applications to monitor the state of object adapters that are registered with IceGrid |
IAdmin | The IceGrid administrative interface |
IAdminSession | Used by administrative clients to view, update, and receive observer updates from the IceGrid registry |
IApplicationObserver | The database observer interface |
IFileIterator | This interface provides access to IceGrid log file contents |
IFileParser | icegridadmin provides a FileParser object to transform XML files into ApplicationDescriptor objects |
ILocator | The IceGrid locator interface provides access to the Query and Registry object of the IceGrid registry |
INodeObserver | The node observer interface |
IObjectObserver | This interface allows applications to monitor IceGrid well-known objects |
IQuery | The IceGrid query interface |
IRegistry | The IceGrid registry allows clients create sessions directly with the registry |
IRegistryObserver | This interface allows applications to monitor changes the state of the registry |
IRegistryPluginFacade | The RegistryPluginFacade is implemented by IceGrid and can be used by plugins and filter implementations to retrieve information from IceGrid about the well-known objects or adapters |
IReplicaGroupFilter | The ReplicaGroupFilter is used by IceGrid to filter adapters returned to the client when it resolves a filtered replica group |
ISession | A session object is used by IceGrid clients to allocate and release objects |
ITypeFilter | The TypeFilter is used by IceGrid to filter well-known proxies returned to the client when it searches a well-known object by type |
IUserAccountMapper | A user account mapper object is used by IceGrid nodes to map session identifiers to user accounts |
▼MIceMX | The Ice Management eXtension facility |
IMetricsAdmin | The metrics administrative facet interface |
▼MIcePatch2 | IcePatch can be used to update file hierarchies in a simple and efficient manner |
IFileServer | The interface that provides access to files |
▼MIceStorm | A messaging service with support for federation |
IFinder | This inferface is advertised by the IceStorm service through the Ice object with the identity `IceStorm/Finder' |
ITopic | Publishers publish information on a particular topic |
ITopicManager | A topic manager manages topics, and subscribers to topics |