Ice 3.7 Slice API Reference
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Exception Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 EIceGrid::AccessDeniedExceptionThis exception is raised if a registry lock wasn't acquired or is already held by a session
 EIce::AdapterAlreadyActiveExceptionThis exception is raised if a server tries to set endpoints for an adapter that is already active
 EIceGrid::AdapterNotExistExceptionThis exception is raised if an adapter does not exist
 EIce::AdapterNotFoundExceptionThis exception is raised if an adapter cannot be found
 EIceGrid::AllocationExceptionThis exception is raised if the allocation of an object failed
 EIce::AlreadyRegisteredExceptionAn attempt was made to register something more than once with the Ice run time
 EIceBox::AlreadyStartedExceptionThis exception is thrown if an attempt is made to start an already-started service
 EIceBox::AlreadyStoppedExceptionThis exception is thrown if an attempt is made to stop an already-stopped service
 EIceStorm::AlreadySubscribedThis exception indicates that an attempt was made to subscribe a proxy for which a subscription already exists
 EIceGrid::ApplicationNotExistExceptionThis exception is raised if an application does not exist
 EIceStorm::BadQoSThis exception indicates that a subscription failed due to an invalid QoS
 EIceGrid::BadSignalExceptionThis exception is raised if an unknown signal was sent to to a server
 EIceBT::BluetoothExceptionIndicates a failure in the Bluetooth plug-in
 EGlacier2::CannotCreateSessionExceptionThis exception is raised if an attempt to create a new session failed
 EIce::CloneNotImplementedExceptionAn attempt was made to clone a class that does not support cloning
 EIce::CollocationOptimizationExceptionThis exception is raised if a feature is requested that is not supported with collocation optimization
 EIce::CommunicatorDestroyedExceptionThis exception is raised if the Communicator has been destroyed
 EIce::ConnectionManuallyClosedExceptionThis exception is raised by an operation call if the application closes the connection locally using Connection#close
 EIceGrid::DeploymentExceptionAn exception for deployment errors
 EIce::DNSExceptionThis exception indicates a DNS problem
 EIce::EndpointParseExceptionThis exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an endpoint
 EIce::EndpointSelectionTypeParseExceptionThis exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an endpoint selection type
 EIceBox::FailureExceptionThis exception is a general failure notification
 EIce::FeatureNotSupportedExceptionThis exception is raised if an unsupported feature is used
 EIcePatch2::FileAccessExceptionThis exception is raised if a file's contents cannot be read
 EIceGrid::FileNotAvailableExceptionThis exception is raised if a file is not available
 EIce::FixedProxyExceptionThis exception indicates that an attempt has been made to change the connection properties of a fixed proxy
 EIce::IdentityParseExceptionThis exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a stringified identity
 EIce::IllegalIdentityExceptionThis exception is raised if an illegal identity is encountered
 EIce::IllegalServantExceptionThis exception is raised to reject an illegal servant (typically a null servant)
 EIce::InitializationExceptionThis exception is raised when a failure occurs during initialization
 EIce::InvalidReplicaGroupIdExceptionThis exception is raised if the replica group provided by the server is invalid
 EIceStorm::InvalidSubscriberThis exception indicates that an attempt was made to subscribe a proxy that is null
 EIce::InvocationCanceledExceptionThis exception indicates that an asynchronous invocation failed because it was canceled explicitly by the user
 EIceStorm::LinkExistsThis exception indicates that an attempt was made to create a link that already exists
 EIceGrid::NodeNotExistExceptionThis exception is raised if a node does not exist
 EIceGrid::NodeUnreachableExceptionThis exception is raised if a node could not be reached
 EIce::NoEndpointExceptionThis exception is raised if no suitable endpoint is available
 EIceStorm::NoSuchLinkThis exception indicates that an attempt was made to remove a link that does not exist
 EIceBox::NoSuchServiceExceptionThis exception is thrown if a service name does not refer to an existing service
 EIceStorm::NoSuchTopicThis exception indicates that an attempt was made to retrieve a topic that does not exist
 EIce::NotRegisteredExceptionAn attempt was made to find or deregister something that is not registered with the Ice run time or Ice locator
 EIce::ObjectAdapterDeactivatedExceptionThis exception is raised if an attempt is made to use a deactivated ObjectAdapter
 EIce::ObjectAdapterIdInUseExceptionThis exception is raised if an ObjectAdapter cannot be activated
 EIceGrid::ObjectExistsExceptionThis exception is raised if an object already exists
 EIce::ObjectNotFoundExceptionThis exception is raised if an object cannot be found
 EIceGrid::ObjectNotRegisteredExceptionThis exception is raised if an object is not registered
 EIceGrid::ObserverAlreadyRegisteredExceptionThis exception is raised if an observer is already registered with the registry
 EIce::OperationInterruptedExceptionThis exception indicates a request was interrupted
 EIceGrid::ParseExceptionThis exception is raised if an error occurs during parsing
 EIcePatch2::PartitionOutOfRangeExceptionA partition argument was not in the range 0-255
 EIceGrid::PatchExceptionThis exception is raised if a patch failed
 EIceGrid::PermissionDeniedExceptionThis exception is raised if a client is denied the ability to create a session with IceGrid
 EGlacier2::PermissionDeniedExceptionThis exception is raised if a client is denied the ability to create a session with the router
 EIce::PluginInitializationExceptionThis exception indicates that a failure occurred while initializing a plug-in
 EIce::ProtocolExceptionA generic exception base for all kinds of protocol error conditions
 EIce::ProxyParseExceptionThis exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a stringified proxy
 EIceGrid::RegistryNotExistExceptionThis exception is raised if a registry does not exist
 EIceGrid::RegistryUnreachableExceptionThis exception is raised if a registry could not be reached
 EIce::RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedExceptionThrown when the provided RemoteLogger was previously attached to a LoggerAdmin
 EIce::RequestFailedExceptionThis exception is raised if a request failed
 EIce::ResponseSentExceptionIndicates that the response to a request has already been sent; re-dispatching such a request is not possible
 EIce::SecurityExceptionThis exception indicates a failure in a security subsystem, such as the IceSSL plug-in
 EIceGrid::ServerNotExistExceptionThis exception is raised if a server does not exist
 EIce::ServerNotFoundExceptionThis exception is raised if a server cannot be found
 EIceGrid::ServerStartExceptionThis exception is raised if a server failed to start
 EIceGrid::ServerStopExceptionThis exception is raised if a server failed to stop
 EIceGrid::ServerUnreachableExceptionThis exception is raised if a server could not be reached
 EGlacier2::SessionNotExistExceptionThis exception is raised if a client tries to destroy a session with a router, but no session exists for the client
 EIce::SyscallExceptionThis exception is raised if a system error occurred in the server or client process
 EIce::TimeoutExceptionThis exception indicates a timeout condition
 EIceStorm::TopicExistsThis exception indicates that an attempt was made to create a topic that already exists
 EIce::TwowayOnlyExceptionThe operation can only be invoked with a twoway request
 EIce::UnknownExceptionThis exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises an unknown exception
 EIceMX::UnknownMetricsViewRaised if a metrics view cannot be found
 EIceGrid::UserAccountNotFoundExceptionThis exception is raised if a user account for a given session identifier can't be found
 EIce::VersionMismatchExceptionThis exception is raised if the Ice library version does not match the version in the Ice header files
 EIce::VersionParseExceptionThis exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a version