Ice 3.7 Slice API Reference
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CIceGrid::BoxedDistributionDescriptorA "boxed" distribution descriptor
 CIceGrid::BoxedStringA "boxed" string
 CIceGrid::CommunicatorDescriptorA communicator descriptor
 CIceGrid::ServerDescriptorAn Ice server descriptor
 CIceGrid::IceBoxDescriptorAn IceBox server descriptor
 CIceGrid::ServiceDescriptorAn IceBox service descriptor
 CIce::ConnectionInfoBase class providing access to the connection details
 CIce::IPConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of an IP connection
 CIce::TCPConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of a TCP connection
 CIce::UDPConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of a UDP connection
 CIce::WSConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of a WebSocket connection
 CIceBT::ConnectionInfoProvides access to the details of a Bluetooth connection
 CIceIAP::ConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of an IAP connection
 CIceSSL::ConnectionInfoProvides access to the connection details of an SSL connection
 CIce::EndpointInfoBase class providing access to the endpoint details
 CIce::IPEndpointInfoProvides access to the address details of a IP endpoint
 CIce::TCPEndpointInfoProvides access to a TCP endpoint information
 CIce::UDPEndpointInfoProvides access to an UDP endpoint information
 CIce::OpaqueEndpointInfoProvides access to the details of an opaque endpoint
 CIce::WSEndpointInfoProvides access to a WebSocket endpoint information
 CIceBT::EndpointInfoProvides access to Bluetooth endpoint information
 CIceIAP::EndpointInfoProvides access to an IAP endpoint information
 CIceSSL::EndpointInfoProvides access to an SSL endpoint information
 CIceGrid::LoadBalancingPolicyA base class for load balancing policies
 CIceGrid::AdaptiveLoadBalancingPolicyAdaptive load balancing policy
 CIceGrid::OrderedLoadBalancingPolicyOrdered load balancing policy
 CIceGrid::RandomLoadBalancingPolicyRandom load balancing policy
 CIceGrid::RoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicyRound robin load balancing policy
 CIceMX::MetricsThe base class for metrics
 CIceMX::ChildInvocationMetricsProvides information on child invocations
 CIceMX::CollocatedMetricsProvides information on invocations that are collocated
 CIceMX::RemoteMetricsProvides information on invocations that are specifically sent over Ice connections
 CIceMX::ConnectionMetricsProvides information on the data sent and received over Ice connections
 CIceMX::DispatchMetricsProvides information on servant dispatch
 CIceMX::InvocationMetricsProvide measurements for proxy invocations
 CIceMX::SessionMetricsProvides information on Glacier2 sessions
 CIceMX::SubscriberMetricsProvides information on IceStorm subscribers
 CIceMX::ThreadMetricsProvides information on the number of threads currently in use and their activity
 CIceMX::TopicMetricsProvides information on IceStorm topics