CIceGrid::BoxedDistributionDescriptor | A "boxed" distribution descriptor |
CIceGrid::BoxedString | A "boxed" string |
▼CIceGrid::CommunicatorDescriptor | A communicator descriptor |
▼CIceGrid::ServerDescriptor | An Ice server descriptor |
CIceGrid::IceBoxDescriptor | An IceBox server descriptor |
CIceGrid::ServiceDescriptor | An IceBox service descriptor |
▼CIce::ConnectionInfo | Base class providing access to the connection details |
▼CIce::IPConnectionInfo | Provides access to the connection details of an IP connection |
CIce::TCPConnectionInfo | Provides access to the connection details of a TCP connection |
CIce::UDPConnectionInfo | Provides access to the connection details of a UDP connection |
CIce::WSConnectionInfo | Provides access to the connection details of a WebSocket connection |
CIceBT::ConnectionInfo | Provides access to the details of a Bluetooth connection |
CIceIAP::ConnectionInfo | Provides access to the connection details of an IAP connection |
CIceSSL::ConnectionInfo | Provides access to the connection details of an SSL connection |
▼CIce::EndpointInfo | Base class providing access to the endpoint details |
▼CIce::IPEndpointInfo | Provides access to the address details of a IP endpoint |
CIce::TCPEndpointInfo | Provides access to a TCP endpoint information |
CIce::UDPEndpointInfo | Provides access to an UDP endpoint information |
CIce::OpaqueEndpointInfo | Provides access to the details of an opaque endpoint |
CIce::WSEndpointInfo | Provides access to a WebSocket endpoint information |
CIceBT::EndpointInfo | Provides access to Bluetooth endpoint information |
CIceIAP::EndpointInfo | Provides access to an IAP endpoint information |
CIceSSL::EndpointInfo | Provides access to an SSL endpoint information |
▼CIceGrid::LoadBalancingPolicy | A base class for load balancing policies |
CIceGrid::AdaptiveLoadBalancingPolicy | Adaptive load balancing policy |
CIceGrid::OrderedLoadBalancingPolicy | Ordered load balancing policy |
CIceGrid::RandomLoadBalancingPolicy | Random load balancing policy |
CIceGrid::RoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicy | Round robin load balancing policy |
▼CIceMX::Metrics | The base class for metrics |
▼CIceMX::ChildInvocationMetrics | Provides information on child invocations |
CIceMX::CollocatedMetrics | Provides information on invocations that are collocated |
CIceMX::RemoteMetrics | Provides information on invocations that are specifically sent over Ice connections |
CIceMX::ConnectionMetrics | Provides information on the data sent and received over Ice connections |
CIceMX::DispatchMetrics | Provides information on servant dispatch |
CIceMX::InvocationMetrics | Provide measurements for proxy invocations |
CIceMX::SessionMetrics | Provides information on Glacier2 sessions |
CIceMX::SubscriberMetrics | Provides information on IceStorm subscribers |
CIceMX::ThreadMetrics | Provides information on the number of threads currently in use and their activity |
CIceMX::TopicMetrics | Provides information on IceStorm topics |